I'm a Technocrat and Futurist
I am a male.
I am single. I am retired. I am A mediaCom consultant.
I joined expat.com on 08 April 2024.
Lessure & Pleasure Community Services
On top of Empathy and Gratitude among sarawakiens the Environment, Business Ethics, Economy, Efficiency, Enforcements, Excellence are most important for a healthy happy retirement life
I'm a Singaporean Living in Malaysia on MM2H (Malaysia My Second Home)
I Love Malaysia after living / working in 8 different countries and travelled to 117 countries around the world
Research and Development @ DT
Learning Services @ HW
People, Culture, Environment and Food
Project management - SPICE
People, Culture, Environment and Food
Learning Services @ HW
People, Mountains, Antarctica Exp and the Wine
Project Management International (PMI)
Work Ethics and Environment
Project management - MTN
Telecommunications - HUAWEI
Awesome Place on Earth to Explore and Educate oneself
Media & Telecommunications
A place on Earth with both Creativity and Freedom at max. I travelled to all 53 States of USA and I love the experiences and Interactions with various people plus the taste of foods
Project management - DoCoMo
Japanese Culture, Creativity and Trend suits me very much.
Food (at that time in 90s)
Project management - IMOF
Travelled to more than 400 islands and I get to see / learn a lot about people and nature. The most resourceful 1400 islands on Earth.
Traffic and Logistics
Telecoms - SmartCom
People and Culture
Traffic. I used to commute to work from Tagaytai to Manila by choppers in those days to avoid traffic
Semiconductor / Laser / waferfab
It's a country that teaches everything needed for a human life. I was lucky to have the spiritual / career experiences in the most populated land on Earth
Communication and Transportation at that time in 90s
Manufacturing / Automation
Discrimination and Limited Space
I'm a citizen of Singapore.