American expat in Kuwait
2 posts
About me
Lives in Kuwait City
Registration: 28 March 2012
Why medicines are so expansive in Kuwait? by philmond
Many expats in Kuwait complain about the sky high prices of medicine in Kuwait. The majority of prescription drugs are more than double or triple the price of that in neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan... In saudi Arabia for ...
Thanks Legacy for the reply. You are right about airport search but I manage to distribute the medicines in the 2 suitcases, briefcase, laptop bag, Jacket... As for insurance, I work for the government and their policy is to receive medical ... Read More
Why medicines are so expansive in Kuwait?
Many expats in Kuwait complain about the sky high prices of medicine in Kuwait. The majority of prescription drugs are more than double or triple the price of that in neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan... In saudi Arabia for ... Read More