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French expat in Cuba

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Lives in Cuba

Registration: 11 June 2008


MarcoBrazil replied to a thread
16 years ago

What makes you happy? by oreneta

This is not as closely related to expat issues, but I think does bear... What makes you deep down satisfied content...that "life is beautiful" feeling, and here's the clincher...is it the same in different countries or cities you've lived, or does ...


For me waking up in the morning next to my beautiful wife and sharing our dream. Having the courage to make the leap and do it! Bob Koooo so cute :D Read More

MarcoBrazil created a thread
16 years ago

Stage au Québec

Bonjour tout le monde! je souhaiterais faire un stage au Québec je trouve que c'est une région magnifique! avant de me décider à y vivre définitivement, je souhaiterais y faire un stage en entreprise! J'aimerais donc un site pour des offres de ... Read More

MarcoBrazil replied to a thread
16 years ago

Meeting expatriates in Paris by Julien

Hi everybody, is there a place, a pub or something where I could meet expatriates in Paris? I heard once about a pub where US expats are meeting everyweek. Does anybody know its name? There's also a meeting next month, organized by expatica: ...


I also would like to know the name of this week so as to meet new people and improve my English :D Read More

MarcoBrazil replied to a thread
16 years ago

Paris - Help, just found out am pregnant by ash

Hey everyone, Another question re having babies in Paris. I just found out that I am pregnant and need to register at a hospital or clinic for D-day (which will prbly be early November - but since space is so limited apprently, I need to do this ...


Tout à fait tu dois consulter un gynécologue et il t'expliquera comment faire! par ailleurs il y a des chances pour que tu doivent souscrire une assurance maladie pour bébé non? Read More

MarcoBrazil replied to a thread
16 years ago

apartement to rent in paris by linaczek

hello, i have very cute and small apartement to rent in paris, for period from now until june. there is a bedroom-livingroom, kitchen, bathroom ( with bath), and a balcony. it is in calm suburb of paris, 20 minutes by bus,metro and train to the ...


sinon si vous êtes étudiant il existe tout un tas de sites spécialisés dans la recherche de studio ! Read More