



American looking for information about Belize


3 posts



Quick infos


Lives in San Diego

Registration: 14 May 2012


guiness replied to a thread
12 years ago

Quasi-retirement in CI: is it possible if you're not wealthy? by guiness

Hi all, My husband and I are considering moving to the Caribbean for a few years. Our idea would be to work part-time as online freelancers/consultants to off-island clients in order to cover our cost of living, and spend the rest of our time ...


We loved the Brac when we were there, but we plan to go back to the places that make our "short list" with more of an eye towards living vs vacationing. We also intend to rent rather than buy real estate, so that we have more ... Read More

guiness replied to a thread
12 years ago

Quasi-retirement in CI: is it possible if you're not wealthy? by guiness

Hi all, My husband and I are considering moving to the Caribbean for a few years. Our idea would be to work part-time as online freelancers/consultants to off-island clients in order to cover our cost of living, and spend the rest of our time ...


Thanks Gordon! I actually found your post after I submitted my question, and did go on to read some your personal blog entries (excellent and extremely well-written!). There are some older posts on your blog that I still need to read, but it seems ... Read More

guiness created a thread
12 years ago

Quasi-retirement in CI: is it possible if you're not wealthy?

Hi all, My husband and I are considering moving to the Caribbean for a few years. Our idea would be to work part-time as online freelancers/consultants to off-island clients in order to cover our cost of living, and spend the rest of our time ... Read More