Cameroonian and loving it!
I joined on 08 June 2012.
I study alot at the moment and sometimes do some part time jobs .I spend some of my free time travelling around Cameroon. I have been to the Waza park in the North, Rumsiki,Gorge de Kola(VERY AMAYING) and Idole village. Ever where in the northern part like Maroua, Garoua , Ngoundere, Littoral Region, south, West, North west, South west,and I live in The Centre : Amaying theins to see. Ok I climbed part of Mount Cameroon too last year but I was too lazy to reach the top. It was way too difficult.
...The people
Dust , much sun sometimes, corruption, suffering...
Short hiliday .Travelled to about 4 cities in 4 days. way too short
Amazing.very beautiful. Flowers on the streets. Amaing
studied antd travelled alot with the ICE( Inter city express) very cool
Some nice people .I the fact that they have a gerat variety of cheese to choose from: ) and pizza and ice cream . The language too
Too cold. Very un friendly women in some parts...