American citizen
2 posts
About me
Registration: 01 November 2009
Living in California by
You are an expatriate living in California, or you used to work and live in California. Share your expat experience! How would you describe life in California? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find a job, and an accomodation? Is ...
That's funny! They've been saying we were going to fall into the ocean since I was in kindergarten. Well, we Californians are still here. Come on out! Read More
Moving to California, San Diego by Sabah
Hello everyone, I am planning to give to my life a new turn, and I think it's never to late to do it. I would like to live in the states as I already had an opportunity to live there a year and I really enjoyed it. I would like also to give to my ...
I have lived in San Diego my whole life. I don't have any experience living anywhere else, but I love San Diego. We do have great weather (but we do have some chilly winter days. Don't let anyone tell you different! No snow, but winter days can ... Read More