Peruvian expat in Peru
5 posts
About me
Lives in lima
Registration: 10 July 2012
Tips and advice to thrive in Peru by Priscilla
Hi, When living in a foreign country, you have to adapt to a new environment, various cultures and different social codes. How did you manage to adjust to Peru? How long does it take to feel at home? Would you say it is an easy ...
driving..... if " it does work" means an incredible high fatality rate , bus and coaches falling down canyons "regularly " drivers treating pedestrians like target practice at a fun fair and a shrug of the shoulders " ... Read More
Tips and advice to thrive in Peru by Priscilla
Hi, When living in a foreign country, you have to adapt to a new environment, various cultures and different social codes. How did you manage to adjust to Peru? How long does it take to feel at home? Would you say it is an easy ...
peru adjust. just replace talking about the climate with talking about food and restaurants and more food. feel at home. It can take a life time. its an interesting process. successful process? speak fluently in spanish about food. Read More
Your experience of culture shock in Peru by Christine
Hi, Living in a foreign country implies to discover its culture, to learn and master the cultural codes. How did you deal with that? Share with us your culture shock stories where you experienced a funny or awkward moment in Peru. What is ...
There was an article very recently in the local paper here in peru. In a nutshell, it said, (Peru) economically we grow: but we are still a very fractured society and there is little sense of a shared community and we quickly take battle positions ... Read More
Driving in Peru by Maximilien
Hi, What do you think of the way people drive in Peru? How different is it from your home country? Respecting the road safety rules, driving etiquette such as general courtesy, speed excessÂ… what are the characteristics of the driving style in ...
Well i think Russ is being very kind and diplomatic. It is true everyone pays more attention to their driving in Lima. This is only because everyone knows there is likely to be at any moment someone driving at speed or driving with too little ... Read More
Urgent need some cricket players by Bluebulls
Good day all .. If anyone knows how to play cricket and wanna join to play at the Club over here in Peru, pls u all welcome to let me know to join LIMA CRICKET . It's fun and also meet alot of people. Thanks Arnold Richards
hi my names paul I would be interested ( unless you are all under 40 years old ???) can be contacted at stack692@gmail.com Read More