American looking for information about Libya
Forum posts
About me
Lives in virginia
Registration: 11 October 2012

Looking for an Arabic teacher in LIbya inshaAllah by fisaballah
Salam Alakum, I am an American traveling to Libya in a few months inshaAllah to study Arabic. I am looking for an Arabic teacher that has time for me inshaAllah. Any information will be appreciated, JazakaAllahu Khyra, Khalil

JazakaAllahu Khyra, I am a revert from america and am looking to travel to Libya in a few months inshallah, I don't have dates yet as I have to free myself from some obligations here. I plan on staying in Libya for a few months inshallah , I am ... Read More

Looking for an Arabic teacher in LIbya inshaAllah
Salam Alakum, I am an American traveling to Libya in a few months inshaAllah to study Arabic. I am looking for an Arabic teacher that has time for me inshaAllah. Any information will be appreciated, JazakaAllahu Khyra, Khalil Read More