American looking for information about Colombia
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Lives in Anaheim
Registration: 13 October 2012

LIVING IN rIO nEGRO by Texas Bred
Anyone have any thoughts about the living conditions in Rio Negro? Want to know if it's safe to live there and what activities for the Old Texas Boy can do in the town?

Hi. Yes, I wrote him. Hopefully, he writes back. Thank you very much for your help, Stan Read More

LIVING IN rIO nEGRO by Texas Bred
Anyone have any thoughts about the living conditions in Rio Negro? Want to know if it's safe to live there and what activities for the Old Texas Boy can do in the town?

Hi. Thanks for getting back to me. I really appreciate it. When you say I should contact Paul Cates, is he a member of this forum? or of the golf club? How would you suggest I contact him? Thanks, Stan Read More

LIVING IN rIO nEGRO by Texas Bred
Anyone have any thoughts about the living conditions in Rio Negro? Want to know if it's safe to live there and what activities for the Old Texas Boy can do in the town?

Hi. Thank you for your comments on Rio Negro. I have sort of an off-beat question. I like to play golf and I noticed that the golf courses are in your neighborhood: Rio Negro. But I also noticed that the Medellin airport is also near Rio Negro ... Read More

Expats in Buga by millerb124
Somewhere between Manizales and Cali lies a small community called Buga. I have been an educator for 30 years, and I am currently engaged in a TESOL certification program. Retirement is two years away, and I want to continue teaching, but I want to ...

Hi Bruce. I have been to Colombia many times, but never to Buga. I was just curious why Buga? It is not a town one hears too much about. Stan Read More