Maria Nijhout
Dutch expat in Mozambique
1 posts
About me
Lives in Maputo
Speaks English, Dutch, Portugese, French
Registration: 06 November 2012
Aimmea replied to a thread
Moving to Maputo with a dog by mad484
Does anyone have experience in keeping a dog in Maputo? What about access to dog food? Vets? Stray dogs? (concerned with strays with possible rabies when walking the dog). I found "Petsmaputo" website - a vet's clinic that also offers "hotel" for ...
Hi, I moved to Maputo with my American Buldog 3 years ago. Caem across stray dogs on the streets only ones, I chased them away, no problem. Bring a stick or some pepepr spray if you are concerend. There are no dog parks but you can take your dog ... Read More