French expat in Cambodia
9 posts
About me
Lives in siem reap
Registration: 13 January 2013
Expat meeting in Siem Reap by gabrielestoia
Hi, my name's is Gabri. I'm from Italy and I live in Siem Reap since 1 year. I would like to suggest a meeting for a drink or dinner for involve all the expats, from all the countries, not only italians, to know eachother. I heard from many expat ...
ok I propose a drink on thursday at 8:00pm at Heritage hotel (wat polanka). If someone want to join us no problem! Ask fabrice or Gregoire at the bar! (it's a jazz party...cool for a first drink!) see you there! Read More
Expat meeting in Siem Reap by gabrielestoia
Hi, my name's is Gabri. I'm from Italy and I live in Siem Reap since 1 year. I would like to suggest a meeting for a drink or dinner for involve all the expats, from all the countries, not only italians, to know eachother. I heard from many expat ...
sorry I miss it! ok i call you for a drink tomorrow or thursday! fab Read More
Expat meeting in Siem Reap by gabrielestoia
Hi, my name's is Gabri. I'm from Italy and I live in Siem Reap since 1 year. I would like to suggest a meeting for a drink or dinner for involve all the expats, from all the countries, not only italians, to know eachother. I heard from many expat ...
Hey Gabriel Do you want to join me and my friends for a drink this thursday? (14/02/2013) should be at 6.30pm ...is it ok for you? fabrice Read More
Meet people in Siem Reap by loustik
Hi everyone, I arrived about one month here and i would like to meet some people here. So if you wanna meet me, feel free to let me a message. Hope to see you soon, Marion.Ps i am french but can speak englush of course ;)
Hello Marion I'm French too but I can speak english too... So now I found my hole sweet home and I should be able to have time to meet people! Are you still ok for a coffee or a drink ? let me know when and it will perfect for me! Fabrice Read More
Expat meeting in Siem Reap by gabrielestoia
Hi, my name's is Gabri. I'm from Italy and I live in Siem Reap since 1 year. I would like to suggest a meeting for a drink or dinner for involve all the expats, from all the countries, not only italians, to know eachother. I heard from many expat ...
Hello It's a very good idea! I miss the first date ! I just arrive in Siem Reap! what about to meet during the week day this week? May I propose you tomorrow or thurdays night? I can let you choose the place or I will propose a good one (I ... Read More
Anybody want to meet up for a $0.50 draft? by Alliecat
These are the best beer prices I've ever seen but would be fun to have somebody to drink with! I'm in the old market area. Anybody around?!?
Hello Mac Grace, find a house check! Now i'm ready for a coffee if you want to meet french expat in siem reap! What about wednesday afternoon? at la boulangerie in the centre? let me know! Fabrice Read More
Meet people in Siem Reap by loustik
Hi everyone, I arrived about one month here and i would like to meet some people here. So if you wanna meet me, feel free to let me a message. Hope to see you soon, Marion.Ps i am french but can speak englush of course ;)
Ok sorry! Read More
Anybody want to meet up for a $0.50 draft? by Alliecat
These are the best beer prices I've ever seen but would be fun to have somebody to drink with! I'm in the old market area. Anybody around?!?
Ok! When you want where you want! (I come back SR on january 23th) Let me know! Fab Read More
Meet people in Siem Reap by loustik
Hi everyone, I arrived about one month here and i would like to meet some people here. So if you wanna meet me, feel free to let me a message. Hope to see you soon, Marion.Ps i am french but can speak englush of course ;)
salut loustik, Je reviens a siem reap le 22 janvier et je serai ravi de faire ta connaissance et te presenter mon groupe d'amis sur Siem Reap! n'hesite pas a me laisser un message et on se donnera rendez vous. A bientot! Fab Read More