



New member

Moldovan expat in China

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About me


Lives in Chisinau

Speaks Romanian, English, Russian, Turkish... a little bit of Chinese

Registration: 05 September 2008


lion.beat replied to a thread
16 years ago

Bored in Bupyeong by gail_oz

Hi... I just found this site, and thought I should ask about for some tips... I am an Australian who has been in South Korea for about a month now... It's been a fairly boring month (mainly because I'm waiting for my first pay check) and also ...


There are some nice bars in Bupyeong area, I suck at giving directions though, especially when it comes to Korea, you probably already noticed that even the cab drivers find it difficult to navigate to your destination, most probably using the ... Read More

lion.beat replied to a thread
16 years ago

Anyone Else Stranged In Ankara? by MrJimC

Aside from a few military folks.. I have yet to meet any one in this city. In a city full of diplomats, and politicians, there has to be some travelers. But where are they? Jim. Ankara.


I used to stay in Ankara for about 5-6 weeks once... Very few travelers indeed, that's not exactly a tourists spot, but if you long to see some head for Anitkabir, the only place tourists actually visit. Read More

lion.beat replied to a thread
16 years ago

Cost of living in Moldova by expat.com

Hi everybody, It would be very interesting and useful to exchange informations about the cost of living in Moldova . The idea is to help those who would like to live in Moldova . Don't forget to mention where you are living Let's compare the: > ...


It's not that cheap it used to be once, but still very affordable for many. Just to give you a few current examples: - Rent an apartment: starting with 150 Euro/month, 250-300 would be common. The apartment would be furnished (unlike other countries ... Read More

lion.beat replied to a thread
16 years ago

Find a job in Moldova by expat.com

Hi, You are an expat living in Moldova? Please share your experience! What is the best way to find a job in Moldova? The Internet? Please tell us which are the most useful / effective websites for job seekers in Moldova. Recruitment agencies? ...


None of the above... LOL :) The answer is connections! But there are plenty of on-line job boards and recruitment agencies. Try these: http://bestjobs.md http://moldovajob.com Read More

lion.beat replied to a thread
16 years ago

The top ten must go places in Beijing - 798 art galleries by oleander

798 art galleries---Beijing Culture 798 art galleries are the most important art area in Beijing, and the biggest too. This whole area was transformed from abandoned electronic factories. And thatÂ’s the reason why this area is called 798 (798 is ...


Yes, 798 is definitely getting into my top 10 places to visit in Beijing. Read More