I am a Kenyan. A Tourism Managment graduate with a passion for environmental conservation, food security and social justice. I love Spanish and its culture, but I am not sure whether or not my dream to live in Spain one day still exisits. I would like to meet expatriates from different countries and various fields. I am a member of the Kenya Youth Climate Network and together with other young people in Kenya and across the globe, I advocate for climate justice among the people at the grass roots and policy makers. I was glad to be part of the team that planned the road caravan dubbed 'We Have Faith Act Now for Climate Justice' from Nairobi to Durban,South Africa for the COP 17 climate negotiations. I am also keen on learning new languages and visiting other parts of the globe.
Miembro desde el 15 Febrero 2010.
Climate change initiatives, travel and making new friends whenever possible.
-It is my home. -Lots of life-changing, heart touching experiences. -Comical occurrences everywhere, almost all the time. -Amazingly creative minds.
-Culture of laxity to rules and excellence. -General selfishness and insensitivity from top leadership.
I was attending the Global Power Shift conference on climate change, organized by 350.org
The architecture is wonderful and the food is quite palatable.
They have a crazy driving culture. I think Kenyan 'matatu' drivers are much gentler, in the light of this.
An environmentalprogramme on climate change. Representing the Kenya Youth Climate Network(KYCN) on the Civil Society Organizations forum at a pre- AMCEN (African Ministerial Conference on the Environment), experts' forum and now,the minister's segment.
People are very friendly Less crowded streets
-The prices are quite high, compared to Kenya. -General slow life. -Little or no street lights -Their 'matatus' are worse than Kenya's
Had a youth camp/conference on international development. Was with the Change maker Norway team,among others.
Friendly people Beautiful buildings Beautiful parks Awesome lakes
The language: everything is is Norwegian.