Vietnamese citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Ho Chi Minh City
Registration: 04 June 2013
My experience being married to a Vietnamese woman by pissedoffdude
I would like to start by saying that I love Vietnam and the people, I have many good VIetnamese friends. I would just like to share my experience. I met her mid may, we seemed to hit it off. She was so sweet and fun. We kept in touch after I ...
I could never write anything this long..... you must be deeply disappointed.... Anyway, I will make sure my husband got a chance to read this. Thank you for sharing. A Vietnamese girl. Read More
Gift for One year old (family member) by Citsym
I am having trouble figuring out what is the correct gift (if any) to take to a one (1) year old's birthday. Can anyone offer advise. Thanks in advance.
People can say however they want but giving money for a 1 year old birthday is never being a good idea to me. You can never know which is the perfect gift but moneyyyyyy.....no. Read More
Gift for One year old (family member) by Citsym
I am having trouble figuring out what is the correct gift (if any) to take to a one (1) year old's birthday. Can anyone offer advise. Thanks in advance.
I would buy a photo frame or some books( touch and feel book especially) for this age. Hope it helps. Read More
Where is the homewares district? by spindr
I am looking to buy homewares - furniture and household items (towels, speakers) - any advise on where to start looking?
Parkson or uma by Saigon pearl should be places to check out. Good luck. Read More