Soy Mexicano, desde que era chico me ha llamado la atencion Rusia, en este momento estoy viviendo en Canada, pero mi intencion es irme a vivir a Rusia, ya sea a trabajar o a estudiar, estoy pensando en Урфу, en Yekaterinburgo, pero quiero saber mas acerca de los procesos y tramites, tengo experiencia en turismo y hoteleria de 4 anos(Villa del palmar Flamingo y Vallarta Shore Excursions(shorex) en Puerto Vallarta, Princess Cruises, Econolodge Hotel en Canada), y hablo Espanol, Ingles y estoy aprendiendo Ruso por mi cuenta, entiendo Portugues e Italiano muy bien. I'm Mexican, Since I was a kid I've Liked Rusia, at the moment I'm living at High Level, Canada, but my intention is to go to Russia(Yekaterinburg) to live, I'm thinking of studying at Urfu University, and I would like to know a bit more about the process of getting there, what is the paperqoork and the requisits, I have a 4 years experience in Tourism and Hosptitality(Villa del palmar hotel In PV, Shorex in PV, Princess Cruiselines, and Econoloddge inn and suites in Canada), and I speak English, Spanish and I'm learning Russian on my own, I do understand a Italian and Purtuguese very well.
Sono un utente di dal 19 Giugno 2013