Kenyan looking for information about Colombia
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Lives in Nairobi
Registration: 22 March 2010

Need Help by Matoshh
Is it true that Canada got some recruiting agencies which give unemployed peoples all over the world jobs and they cater for traveling tickets and accommodation?. What if there is a certain payments they are asking is it save to pay them?. Thank ...

If I may ask arabic how can I get this canadian social number and reach to help unlimited for me to know the truth behind all this. Narayani how can a person differentiate between a real job in abroad and a scam since there are several countries ... Read More

Need Help by Matoshh
Is it true that Canada got some recruiting agencies which give unemployed peoples all over the world jobs and they cater for traveling tickets and accommodation?. What if there is a certain payments they are asking is it save to pay them?. Thank ...

Thank you for your genuine answer and if I can ask do you wish to direct me to one of those Employment Agencies you were working with in Canada for I would like to have a job there please Arabicwizard. Read More

Need Help by Matoshh
Is it true that Canada got some recruiting agencies which give unemployed peoples all over the world jobs and they cater for traveling tickets and accommodation?. What if there is a certain payments they are asking is it save to pay them?. Thank ...

What do you mean when you say 'depends on what they offer' because they can be offering a lot but all in vain so that you'll send them money via Western Union not their bank account, don't you smell a rat in some situation dear Farah. Read More

Need Help by Matoshh
I just need to know how Canada manage to get people from Kenya and give them jobs there?. Since there is this recruiting agency from Canada which told me to pay them $250 for assessment form then they will be responsible for my traveling ticket and ...

I smell it lol that's why I had to ask the expats to help me. The Agency is not here in Nairobi but in Canada it is actually an online Agency which is called (CAJPA)Canada AND JOB PLACEMENT AGENCY. Read More

Need Help by Matoshh
I just need to know how Canada manage to get people from Kenya and give them jobs there?. Since there is this recruiting agency from Canada which told me to pay them $250 for assessment form then they will be responsible for my traveling ticket and ...

I just posted this here for those peoples who are Kenyan but they are in Canada to help me or those who are here in Kenya but from Canada since I also got another to Canada forum. Read More

Need Help
Is it true that Canada got some recruiting agencies which give unemployed peoples all over the world jobs and they cater for traveling tickets and accommodation?. What if there is a certain payments they are asking is it save to pay them?. Thank ... Read More

Need Help
I just need to know how Canada manage to get people from Kenya and give them jobs there?. Since there is this recruiting agency from Canada which told me to pay them $250 for assessment form then they will be responsible for my traveling ticket and ... Read More

Seeking by Matoshh
I am new to this site but ......its cool right from Nairobi Kenya others call it 'KENEYA' the ascent! I like. Any available work abroad e-mail me am ready, chao.

Actually I would like to work at ANY country in Europe & America since they are my favorite continents and I like the life style of countries in those places. Thank you Christine receive my regards. Martin Read More