



Canadian looking for information about Costa Rica

Forum posts


About me


Lives in Edmonton

Registration: 16 September 2013


picasuze replied to a thread
9 years ago

How a car accident changed my view on living abroad by justachicaincostarica

Last May I decided to pack up my things and get out of the cold (May isn't really cold, but it isn't always warm either) and head to Costa Rica! I love the beach. I love wildlife. I love nature. So the move wasn't such a hard decision to make. I ...


point taken - but maybe we need to define 'learn' the language. I am by no means completely fluent, but all the people I talk to appreciate that I am trying. And there is a LOT of vocabulary that is almost identical to English so a couple of ... Read More

picasuze replied to a thread
9 years ago

How a car accident changed my view on living abroad by justachicaincostarica

Last May I decided to pack up my things and get out of the cold (May isn't really cold, but it isn't always warm either) and head to Costa Rica! I love the beach. I love wildlife. I love nature. So the move wasn't such a hard decision to make. I ...


Your point is very well taken. I might add, I feel it is disrespectful to move to someone else's country and not bother to learn the language - it is frustrating for them to listen to us and still they are so polite and helpful! Read More