

Medical Help

Gregory Jean-Philippe

A family member was recently diagnosed with AL Amyloidosis. She is currently on EMCO. I’ve read on Google it takes 12-months before this condition is untreatable, in her case only around 6-7 months have passed, also, like the doctor has told me, people in her condition are ineligible for a Stem-Cell transplant, but are for a mini-transplant. So if there is any doctor in the Brooklyn, New York area willing to perform this procedure, please let me know.

See also

The healthcare system in the USAHealth insurance in the USHaving a baby in the USAAccidents and emergencies in the United Statesmdical insurance

Hello Gregory Jean-Philippe,

Welcome to ½ûÂþÌìÌà 1f601.svg

I am very sad to read your message.

Unfortunately, I doubt it is the right place for such a request.

I will advise you to check with some hospitals or any health care centres to see how they can be useful.

All the best,


½ûÂþÌìÌà team


Please tell me if anyone is aware of my question. My family and I are planning to move to the U.S., but we have a grandfather who has been retired for a long time. He is already 82 years old. The question is that we at home get some of the drugs for free and some of them are compensated to us. For example, such a drug as amlodipine. I named it because I remember the name by heart. There are actually a lot of them. It seems at first glance that each of these drugs costs 20-40 dollars, but in the end we get a lot of money. Amlodipine price is about $25. We saved about $100 at home, and that's only for a month, even I would say three weeks. What do you have to say about that? At least tell me the direction to go in order to get information.