

[Press release] Is life better abroad ?

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Every year, thousands of people leave their home country to settle abroad for professional or personal reasons, sometimes just because of a taste for adventure. As a matter of fact, 5.5 million Britons and more than 5 million Americans have taken the plunge and now live abroad.

Does one really live better abroad? Those who already left are in a better position to answer the question.


I think yes....sometimes the environment yu grew up in can be such a bore and pple need change. And also news adventures.


not sure!!!
As u said we always have a raison to leave our home


In considering both comments, I agree with Nillah because I'm so ready for a major and positive change in my life.  What can be more major, or positive, than uprooting from all that one has known (in my case, over 30 years) to an environment that's so very different than what I know.  The town in which I was born and raised is considered charming and rich in history, and that's fine.  I appreciate it and have learned so much.  Now, I'm entering a new chapter in my life, so it's time to go!

And, of course, thinking Mbouchareb's comment - it made me remember that when I do leave, I want to leave for the right reasons - love, adventure, etc!  Not a running AWAY, but a running TO.


For me is get better life,but after the journey,i found home is the best place for me.


A big yes for me,,,,,love it here,,,,,,,,,,,;),,,:cool::cool:


I love my hometown, Malaysia, esp. the food, yummy :)

I left for China mainly for the better job prospect here.  However, I do plan to hop to other parts of the world wherever there is better opportunities until my retirement age. 

After that, its home sweet home :)


We all are from the same family. The Family of (WO)MAN-KIND.
Ones body is ones house and home...the rest is physical shelter!
Go where your body feels safe...shelter can be found everywhere.
Home is our Planet Earth!


AfroLotus wrote:

In considering both comments, I agree with Nillah because I'm so ready for a major and positive change in my life.  What can be more major, or positive, than uprooting from all that one has known (in my case, over 30 years) to an environment that's so very different than what I know.  The town in which I was born and raised is considered charming and rich in history, and that's fine.  I appreciate it and have learned so much.  Now, I'm entering a new chapter in my life, so it's time to go!

And, of course, thinking Mbouchareb's comment - it made me remember that when I do leave, I want to leave for the right reasons - love, adventure, etc!  Not a running AWAY, but a running TO.

i like appreciate


i was forced to become an expat, so of course this leads me to see everything wrong with my new home. that said, never before did i appreciate how wonderful a life i lead in NYC for 20 years. there is NO place like home, especially if you;re from New York.

Carlos C

History tells us that since the 16th century we (Portuguese) are always jumping around in this small world... At the beginning for adventure and new discoveries, last century because of the dictature in our country and nowerdays do to the economical situation of this small country in southern europe.
I believe that we all decide to leave our home country only with the goal to find a better life quality, if economical or physical.
But... money and prosperity isn't all in life, you have to feel happiness, you have to feel completed and... sometimes it's only possible at home, even if with less quality...
By the latest numbers Portugal has around 10 million inhabitants and another 3 million spread around the world. Not many countries have 30% of their naturals living abroad... (it's not to feel proud... it's a shame for our governors)


if i found good friend i will be happy abroad as i do not like to be alone never



Everytimes I go in another country, I always discover something new, new cultures, new languages. But I never forget my country and my family. The most important is to be comfortable who you are.
- Lena


Hola Everybody!!

As I was talking with an Argentinian Expat in NYC, once you become an Expat, you'll be an Expat FOREVER. Life won't be the same. As you start meeting new cultures, new countries, new ways to spend your life, you can never get enough. You learn to enjoy everything around, learn survival skills, become more open-minded. If you have never leave your country, you can't understand what an Expat feels, you can't have that sensation of taking a plane to a new location.

I enjoy every minute of my life after I became Expat!

P.D.: Looking for another place to move to! Actually in Venezuela ;) lol

Kisses to all and remember: EXPAT=CULTURE (When I was a child my dad told me, you learn culture when you travel),

Sincerely, Yumi


marconorth wrote:

i was forced to become an expat, so of course this leads me to see everything wrong with my new home. that said, never before did i appreciate how wonderful a life i lead in NYC for 20 years. there is NO place like home, especially if you;re from New York.

I wasn't born in NYC, but I feel the same. NY is a place to hate and love, to admire, to bless, there is not such place as NY. I'll try to apply to my visa again this year so I can move in N Y again!!! Love it so bad!



    After being an EXPAT for nearly 3 years (very very short period) I am back in INDIA and working for HYDROPOWER company called HCC.
    Someone said ONCE an EXPAT always an EXPAT.... YO!! true...
I get though similar facilities in my resident country as EXPAT after being an expat almost similar but yet, I looong to become the EXPAT once again .... I need it , its in my natural being as of now.
    NRI or anyone... you call us but even at the age of 37 years with 15 years experience I long some one to call me at my emails rkme@live.com mobiles +919717884367 or +918894700227 which seems more quite natural then anything else..... REASON.... BIRD man BIRD see the bird.... where do I go... naturally EUROPE preferablly.... till then ENJOY THE THRILLS OF LIFE...



Movement is vital!
Once an expat, I moved back home, which was so nice and native that time. But now I'm sometimes bored and think over new places to try living in.

Goodness and Grit

Living abroad has reminded me what the important things in life are, and has taught me to appreciate these important things more. I have learned to enjoy the differences in various cultures; and when I travel, I now understand the reasoning behind why people live so differently as opposed to comparing everything to home. I see the world with open eyes and accept the differences instead of reacting judgmental. Expat life is enriching, educational,and entertaining. I am thankful for the opportunities I have received and am thrilled to be able to share the same experience with my children. Despite the fact, there is no place like home.


Life away from home did brought a big impact in my life which I can say may not happen if I opt to just stay with my family.It made me a better person, be grateful for every little things that comes and was able to made my family understand that they can manage to let go of me bcoz Im a full grown bird now:-) every year I make sure I come for a short holiday to see my family because home is where the heart is. Most of the energy , inspiration and love I get it from where I came from.


Today in the afternoon just had a thought - A look outside my window makes me realise that this is Foreign Country no matter how hard you try you can never call this place HOME :) -


For sure!

Steve Spencer

Hello friends,

Living anywhere can seem challenging, but for some students and adventure-oriented individuals, living abroad is a perfect way to experience the world. In fact, if you're one of these types, images of foreign cities may already be flashing through your brain. If you're already settled on a place to live, here are a few guidelines to keep in mind.

Develop a budget. If you haven't already done so, make a plan as to how much you can afford for living expenses, food and other necessities while you are abroad. An overseas job is an excellent learning experience and a great way to generate income.

Thank you
Steve Spencer


Life away from home did brought a big impact in my life which I can say may not happen if I opt to just stay with my family.It made me a better person, be grateful for every little things that comes and was able to made my family understand that they can manage to let go of me bcoz Im a full grown bird now:-) every year I make sure I come for a short holiday to see my family because home is where the heart is. Most of the energy , inspiration and love I get it from where I came from.IT IS NICE


No I do not think the life is better abroad..during my career so far I have traveled three countries... and I could not consider any one like home... I think HOME COUNTRY is best..My country is not that advance and there are struggles in day to day life..but still I miss my home very much.. Even though I am living in most advanced country of the world now... :)


I think it depends on which aspect of living abroad you are talking about.


I don' think so. Though the country's developed level is the basic of people's life, and I think the key of a person' developing depend on oneself. If he(she) is a outstanding person, wherever he(she) stay, he(she) will be  the greatest person in the future.


I think life is what you make it, wherever you are. You could live in paradise and still be unhappy or lonely. One of the hardest things about living away from 'home' is not having family and friends around for support or company. This is why it's so important to push oneself to make new friends and get involved in the new community that you move to.

I believe also, that to be content it helps to have an 'inner life' and by that I mean something that you enjoy doing that you don't have to rely on other people to enable you to do it, and that you can pursue wherever you live in the world. I find writing a blog very therapeutic, not only does it help me to communicate with people all over the world but it encourages me to get out in to the community and become involved. If I sat at home all day, I wouldn't have any adventures or stories to write about!

I've lived away from the Uk for 3 years and before that I had periods when I spent 6 months or more abroad. I think travelling and working in a new country is a rewarding and enriching experience. You make many new friends, learn new languages and through the experience, develop as a person. GO FOR IT! :D


i think yes.... Once you live abroad you see different cultures and adapt what best suits you


I have traveled to many different places in my life, usually only staying a few weeks.  Every time I wanted more time to get to know the culture and the people.  Now,  at nearly 70 years of age,  I am getting ready to live in another country and finally get my wish!  Home will always be with me but LIFE is for finding new challenges! !


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No place like home, but i think it is good to travel around to meet new people and new cultures

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