

Expats au Danemark? / anybody living in Copenhagen??

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Hi there!

Is anybody in Copenhagen right now?? or has some interesting information for me about what life is like there, if food and housing aren't too expensive and where can I find ads in english!! Thanks a lot!!

I might say yes and work there for a year or maybe 2...



Je refais surface...!
Je voulais savoir s'il y a des expats au Danemark, Copenhague par ex pour avoir des infos sur le logement et le coût de la vie etc. etc. car je pourrais aller travailler là-bas un an voire deux max!
Merci d'avance!



Tu pars pour de nouvelles aventures alors? :D

Au cas où tu devrais éditer ton post et ajouter une version en anglais, tu recevras certainement plus de réponses

A peluche ;)


Salut Julien!!

Tu es très rapide!!:D j'étais justement en train de rajouter un petit topo en anglais...

Oui c'est fort possible que je parte car le boulot est très intéressant mais la vie semble être excessivement chère donc je ne sais pas, le coup fatal m'a été porté lorsque quelqu'un m'a appris que les fruits et légumes ne s'achètent pas au kg mais à l'unité tellement ils sont onéreux!!

voilà voilà...

Bonne journée à toi et à bientôt;)



Tu parles de la Roumanie? bonne journée à toi aussi


non je parlais du coût de la vie au Danemark...
Je suis rentrée de Roumanie fin Mai pour poursuivre mon docu en France...

voilà voilà

A ceux qui ont des infos sur le logement au Danemark, merci de m'en faire profiter ;):top:




Salut !

Je suis actuellement au Danemark, pour un an. Je ne suis pas à Copenhague mais à Århus dans le Jutland. On m'a dit que la vie y est un peu moins chère qu'à Copenhague, mais la différence ne doit pas être énorme.

Il est vrai qu'ici la vie est plus chère qu'en France. Les légumes ne sont pas si chers, et je les achète au kilo :) En fait c'est surtout le reste qui est cher, particulièrement la viande.

Mais si tu y vas pour travailler, ne te fais pas de soucis, les salaires sont nettement supérieurs aux notres, du coup le niveau de vie est plus élevé.

Pour le logement, c'est à peu près les mêmes prix qu'en région parisienne, voir Paris même si tu prends quelque chose au centre ville.

Tu trouveras quelques informations supplémentaires disséminées sur mon blog :

Et si t'as d'autres questions, n'hésite pas à m'écrire ! :)




I am living in Copenhagen right now. What life is like here? Well if you come from a big city then Copenhagen feels a bit quiet (I came from Jakarta so that explains the whole thing :P) but everything is very expensive here *shakes head*. For me the food is not that good because I am used to spicy stuff and I think that the Danish food tastes a bit flat for my tongue. As for apartments, it is very very difficult to find apartments in Copenhagen, maybe you can browse internet first before coming here and the waiting list is usually very long.

Apartment (3-room or so) usually costs around 8,000 kroner per month in downtown Copenhagen but of course it will be much cheaper in the suburb area.
Maybe it is a good idea for you to check The Copenhagen Post website () that is the only English newspaper here in Copenhagen.

Good luck!



Thank you for your kind answers.
I am currently in Copenhagen but unfortunately not with a Danish salary! :top:
Up until now I cannot say I am especially thrilled to be here, with the weather and the lack of light so I haven't be out a lot actually!! Anyway, I hope it's gonna look much nicer in a few months... :D Let's stay optimistic!!

I'm thinking I should change my country profile even though I don't know how long I'm gonna stay!!

Godt Nytar! La multi ani! Tanti auguri per l'anno che viene. Feliz ano nuevo. Bonne année!



PS: Flipper have you met danish people so far ? Have you met foreigners?


Oh the weather so far is the "warmest" in the last few decades or so *rolls eyes* so they say...and I am actually looking forward to seeing the snow falling but it looks like nothing is coming yet..

Where in Copenhagen do you live if you don't mind me asking?
Answering your question about the Danes, I have to say that I met quite a lot :)
My boyfriend is a Dane so I get in touch with his family a lot, also I am studying in Danmarks Tekniske Universitet and have a lot of Danish classmates.

So far (apart from my boyfriend's family and friends), the Danes are quite...foreigners phobia if I might say...but that is just my opinion

As for foreigners, I met a lot of them in my Danish language school (Studieskolen) and also at my university...since there are bunch of international students in my university.

I hope that answers your question :)

Godt Nytår

viny vince

Are you still in Copenhagen ?


sojachica wrote:

Hi there!

Is anybody in Copenhagen right now?? or has some interesting information for me about what life is like there, if food and housing aren't too expensive and where can I find ads in english!! Thanks a lot!!

I might say yes and work there for a year or maybe 2...



Je refais surface...!
Je voulais savoir s'il y a des expats au Danemark, Copenhague par ex pour avoir des infos sur le logement et le coût de la vie etc. etc. car je pourrais aller travailler là-bas un an voire deux max!
Merci d'avance!



Hello Sojachica!

I will start my work in Copenhagen on January 1st, so I have to say my point of view regarding Danes or life there might not be interesting, however, I have been visiting the city, running arround and calling agencies in order to find a flat in december, and let me say it's really not easy!

The prices are a little bit cheaper than in Paris, where I come from, but still qui expensive, especially if you don't have a Danish salary...

You also have to be careful because when you rent a house, the agency does not ask for "cautions" like we have in France (ie: your parents, etc.), but they will ask you to pay 3 months of guarantee... or even more. For example to get my flat I had to pay 3 months guarantee (that I will eventually get back when I leave) + the 3 lasts months of my rent (that I will not have to pay once I tell them that I want to leave three months later)... so it can be quite a lot of money to give in advance.

The renting contracts are also different than in France: you can find flats for less than a year (x months), between 1 or 2 years, more than 2 years and indefinite time... so you have to decide before how long you want to stay (for example I found a nice place, but it was just for one year, and there was no way I was going to move again in december 2010...) so this is important too.

Regarding life itself, well, as I said before, I'll really be starting it in a few days...!

Good luck, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me (in french too if you prefer)!

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