

Contrato de arrendamento - NIF changes


Hello again all,

  1. I have a NIF ( a non resident one) so far and now that I am in Portugal I want to remove my fiscal represent.
  2. I have a contrato de arrendamento that is registered under my NIF and appears in the financas portal

Assuming I have all the documents to change my non resident NIF to a resident one and the change is successful,

will this (annul OR make it disappear)  the contrato de arredamento  that was made using the non resident NIF? I do not want this to happen and would like the contrato to be there as it is required for my SEF interview.

Appreciate any help from the bottom of my heart.

See also

The tax system in Portugal Expat taxesContrato de arrendamento - NIF changesRecommendations for tax advisorsWho Talk to as US and German Citizen about Insurance and my taxation

Hi, Welcome.

You can and should withdraw your tax representative. This can be done online:

Create an account on the Finanças website

They mail your password to your tax representative

The tax representative gives you the letter with your password

Logon to Finanças website

Input your address

Remove the tax representative

Update your address as needed

The NIF of a non-resident is a definitive NIF, it is not temporary. Your NIF was created at the Portuguese Tax Authority by your tax representative, right? Do you have access to the Portal das Finanças with your password? Then it is definitive. Check on the portal if your lease contract is registered there. If you don't know how to do these procedures, let us know.

Best Regards


Hi JohnnyPT,

       My NIF was created at financas by my tax resident. Yes I do have  the password(password was initially mailed to my tax representative) to the portal  and I do see my lease there.

question is : once I follow the steps to remove my tax representative, will it also remove/invalidate  the lease- and the landlord has to AGAIN register the lease ? I do not want this and my landlord is overseas and very difficult to get in touch with him to get this done.

Please clarify and many thanks

Nia Queiroz


Immigration consultant here. You can only withdraw you FR once you are a resident.

You will have to first need to have your Portuguese address registered at SEF and then you can change it at Finanças.

There are no difference in the NIFs. A NIF is always permanent and you will keep the same number with or without a representative so you won't need to change it on the lease.


Your lease is in your name with your NIF.  Right? So it doesn't need to be changed. You have to update your address on the portal, remove the tax representative, and activate the electronic notifications, as it is said here: