

Visa Agency

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nico peligro

@rf2023 You make an argument for doing the application tiogether with your lawyer.

Would that be acceptable to Langon?

Man , this sure has gotten complicated over the years.

looks like I wont be in Colombia in 18 months

nico peligro

Imagine you have been arrested in the past, and your agent/attorney writes "no" to that question on your visa application.  The Cancilleria then finds out otherwise, either right away or when you apply for your next visa and your "police report" is required. You, not your agent/attorney, will be held accountable for the answers given on your visa application(s). You, not your agent/attorney, could find not only your visa application denied "¡RECHAZADA!", but could also find yourself banned from applying for another visa for TEN YEARS for that kind of error.
Get the help you need from agents/attornies before and after the application process, but as for the application itself, best to do it yourself.

Most of us dont have to worry about that sort of thing

nico peligro

Just a note:
If you have been living in Colombia last 3 years your criminal report would come from the Policia Nacional in Colombia not your country of birth, And that can be requested online.
Thank you Hutchx2020 you are correct.  As for me I've been in and out of Colombia six times since the start of 2019. I guess I could try to get a Colombian national police report, however I don't know whether or not the Cancilleria would accept thething. My next visa attempt will require I submit also my "movemientos migratorios" (travels in and out of the country) and because of that, they will surely see that I've been visiting Colombia for four years, but certainly have not been living in Colombia for a stretch of three years.

It worked okay on my last application. Should be okay if you spent more than 6 months a year in Colombia My issue,if you read my previous posts, was the EPS payment over the last 6 to 12 months

They seem to make things up as they go

nico peligro

@rf2023 Re-translators-I found an excellent one in Bogota and we just communicate online and by Whatsapp.

Way cheaper and faster than the Expat Group was offering


@nico peligro Looking like I will never make it to Colombia I now have to look ant Ecuador .. I'm not very happy as Ecuador is beautiful and doesn't have the greed stigma my very limited gov pension would go further in Colombia


@brettfairweather Take note of any civil unrest in Ecuador...***Read up on it and be wary when you make travel plans.

Moderated by Bhavna last year
Reason : Inaccurate
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct
nico peligro

You keep to the highlands you should be ok..most of the problems are in Guayaquill and Manta

And stay away from.political rallies of course LOL


I have just asked the Home Office

to delete a post from this thread that

stated that the president of Ecuador

had been (supposedly} assassinated.

The man who was assassinated yesterday

was a candidate in the August 20

presidential election in Ecuador.

The New York Times today reported

that six suspects in Quito, Ecuador,

who were apprehended yesterday

are Colombia nationals.  A seventh

suspect was killed by crossfire

involving security forces at the scene

of the assassination.

We are following this story at the

Ecuador forum thread titled

Trouble on the Coast and Mafia Carnage.

cccmedia, designated ½ûÂþÌìÌà Expert

   for the Colombia and Ecuador forums

J L Barrera10

Appreciate the prompt correction & deletion of the thread.


@nico peligro EXCELLENT analogy Canada today  LOLOL

nico peligro

@cccmedia Why the deletion of the thread?

Because the assasins have been ALLEDGEDLY  tied to another candidate that ALLEGEDLY aided in the current Colombian Presidents campaign contributions, which the assasinated candidate  ALLEGEDLY spilled the beans about?

Dont people have the right to be informed on current events in Latin America?

If they dont get the information here, they will ge it elsewhere.

Just a question


@cccmedia Why the deletion of the thread?...

Just a question
-@nico peligro




The post (not thread) was moderated (not

fully deleted) because it related inaccurate


The target of the assassination was

a candidate for president, not the incumbent.

You may read the details of the incident at

the thread I mentioned above, on the

Ecuador forum.



@cccmedia I stand corrected.. I totally mistyped. Sorry, everyone.

nico peligro

@cccmedia there is a lot of false information of rumurs floating around on the internet on that story.

Other than the assasins were Colombians, similar to what happened in Haiti, there is no further information apearing in the MSN

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