
How to get a job in Netherlands

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Good day everyone l want to know is Netherlands is giving opportunities to unskilled workers which are non EU citizens

if yes please help me with full information how l can apply

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Job offers in the NetherlandsWorking in the NetherlandsStarting a business in the NetherlandsWorking in RotterdamWorking in Amsterdam

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

Unfortunately not.  The Dutch are already trying to cope with thousands of asylum seekers who like you have no skills.  There are 4 important parts to looking for a job anywhere in the world:

  • Relevant qualifications
  • Relevant experience
  • speak the local language
  • luck

So my advice is to try to improve these.


Expat Team


@bolibella9, hello. Where do you live now and from what country are you from? gr. Bram

Becka A.

Umm to be clear...

If you are a NON-EU person and want to work IN The Netherlands, the ONLY way you can do this is if the company proves to Immigration that you are a ' Scarce Resource' and Immigration agrees to allow the company to sponsor you for a job - meaning getting you a Permit to work etc.

That's it in a nutshell.

This does not require any knowledge of the Dutch language. If you have those special skills, that is all that's needed.

Typically these ' scarce resource' jobs are in the IT field, which is how I got recruited and brought over here with a Dutch company years ago and I didn't speak a WORD of Dutch. I have a ton of friends and acquaintances who were hired for their special skills too, and they can't speak a word of Dutch.

You CANNOT take a regular local job (away from a Dutch person) no matter how well you speak Dutch or how qualified you are for the job. Why? The Dutch, just like America, France and many countries BY LAW have to hire their own people first UNLESS they can't find a local EU candidate that is qualified for the position. Thus the term 'scarce resource'.


You CANNOT take a regular local job (away from a Dutch person) no matter how well you speak Dutch or how qualified you are for the job. Why? The Dutch, just like America, France and many countries BY LAW have to hire their own people first UNLESS they can't find a local EU candidate that is qualified for the position. Thus the term 'scarce resource'.

    -@Becka A.

It is EU law, that citizens of said country get chosen first, then its EU citizens and then its 3CN.

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