Natural disaster prone areas
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How do Iloilo, Cebu, and Davao compare when it comes to things like flooding, typhoons, and earthquakes (or any other disaster I haven’t thought about)? I have dogs so just taking off on a plane for a week or two isn’t really an option. I would be renting a house so getting a higher level condo to avoid flooding isn’t really an option either. I read something that every barangay in Iloilo is flood prone. This would eliminate it as an option for me because the last thing I want is my house getting soaked in disease water.
Read my responses in the other site you posted on, 3 or 4 times, seems you are taking the piss as we say.
Cheers. Steve.
i asked on multiple sites to get multiple opinions in case one website is useless, such as you recommending living right on the water or the 20th floor of a condo in the desert. Get a life, Bruce
  You have some special requirements so suggest to do your own research
Too true and a psychiatrist might be a great place to start.
Asked, got some answers and got pissed off, not what he/she wanted to hear.
Cheers, Steve.
you followed me to another website to continue being annoying. I think you are projecting about the need for a psychiatrist.
O.k.... So.... Start by getting over here... Scout around... Rent... scout more... then settle if you like it... Philippines is not for everyone my friend. It's an acquired taste... good and bad... Good Luck!
you followed me to another website to continue being annoying. I think you are projecting about the need for a psychiatrist.
I never followed you smallchange, I am on multiple sites and I saw your tripe on 2 sites. Flooding in the Philippines is common, pick another country and stop posting diatribe here.
Cheers, Steve.
I will post whatever I want, Bruce. Go chug your Foster’s somewhere else.
Sad response but all reading expected little less. I think you have missed the point of your own post, you asked I responded. You didn't like. Before I ask and look like a fool I research, you know, google etc.
You asked in your first post about flooding and where is safe, I replied the mountains or the 10th or 20th floor in a condo. not what you wanted to hear?
Time to move on.
Sorry to be blunt but you sir asked for it.
Cheers, Steve.
Calm down, Bruce.
Is it Bruce or bwuce?
You asked and don't like what you hear, said it before pick a different country or come here and boots on the ground, no need to give me a hard time for honesty.
Cheers, Steve.
It will be okay.
It will and no need to argue, good luck with your search.
Cheers, Steve.
Smallchungo - Flooding, you must be reading too much into weather news. A year ago, I saw news about huge flooding and erosion in Cebu island, so I searched the photos of the disaster area. It was a limestone quarry. A few snakes and monkeys may have perished but humans do not live in an active quarry. Companies use explosives and heavy equipment to take the limestone away to turn them into cement.
A topographic map will be your friend in your search. If living on higher floors in an condo building is your cup of Foster's, then so be it. It will give you piece of mind. If you have someone you can trust in the Philippines to search an apartment for you, that will be the second best option after going on an exploratory trip yourself. As Steve had mentioned many times in different posts, 'boots on the ground'. This would be your best option. Leave your dogs with a friend or send your dogs to a boarding kennel for a few weeks, it will be money well spent.
If you're worried about natural disasters you worry too much.
Henny Penny said to Turkey Lurkey the sky is falling.
@Enzyte Bob
It’s funny how much you all are concerned with what others care about
  @Enzyte Bob
It’s funny how much you all are concerned with what others care about
It's not funny at all, many have answered but the answers appear unpalatable to you.
Perhaps we can start again, my lead. Have you ever been to the Philippines before? If so where and what areas did you like?
If not, as I and others have suggested best to get your derriere over here, boots on the ground and taste the flavours. The Philippines is an acquired taste and not for the feint hearted nor princesses.
Most decent houses here are out of flood plains (don't rent or purchase a house near a rice field).
Generally the houses here are reinforced concrete pillars and beams with substantial footings. infilled with concrete blocks, rendered, tiled and painted, the only timber in my home are the hardwood doors and jambs. The reason? Earthquakes, typhoons, flooding and my best friends the termites, the only one of the above I have never had is flooding, somehow the water finds its way to the ocean 60 metres away.
Look You need to open up as another member suggested as to what and where you want to live, the Philippines to most newbies seems like a bunch of islands but is twice the size of the UK, is more prone to natural disasters as mentioned than most other countries around the world. Flooding here is a reality if you pick the wrong place to live, for most not a problem. Happens in many countries.
So the crux/reality is where would you pick to live? Luzon, Visayas or Mindanao? City or Province. The reasons why.
I have been knocking around here for 13 years and my reason to move here is my better half, together 12 years and yes he lived in Australia for 6 of those years as a permanent resident and worked there for 5 years but my retirement and his family is the reason why I live here not flooding or other natural calamities, lol, plenty of man made frustrations and disasters here. Italy or the south of Spain was always my goal, things change for the better it seems.
I said enough, your turn.
Cheers, Steve.
I figured mentioning Iloilo, Cebu, and Davao were a good idea of where I was interested in. My life story has no relevance on if these places are more flood or typhoon prone than the average. From what I have gathered across multiple websites, Cebu gets hit harder than Iloilo which gets hit harder than Davao by typhoons and that Iloilo and Davao have pretty good flood management compared to Cebu. That was all I was looking for.  I’ve been able to find things related to food, traffic, and healthcare much easier which I why I haven’t mentioned them or asked about them. Iloilo and Davao being cleaner, more orderly, and less traffic makes them much more interesting to me. What I haven’t seen quantified well is just how bad the healthcare is. Cebu has the best hospital out of the 3 and lets you preregister with financial info to be taken in without providing financial proof at the time of service which was the main advantage to me for the city in general, but if the traffic is as bad as I hear it sounds like I will need a miracle to make it to the hospital through traffic in an emergency anyway
Now the truth is dribbling out. So sorry I/we wasted your time.
Sounds like another dude that wanted every one to tell him how to clean cutlery and be hygienic, mate seen it all before,
For cleanliness I just find it comfier being in places without trash everywhere and knowing how filthy flood water is I avoid it like the plague. My grandma used to have a house that flooded and it was a total nightmare every time.  I’m not necessarily worried about how hygienic anything is other than literal diarrhea water.Â
Bruce, I gather that's your name?
Trash? Philippines? Normal, as I and others suggested get your derriere over here and experience for yourself. As said the only reason I live here is because of my better half, plenty of expats live here for the same reason. You never mentioned a partner so only a suggestion perhaps look at other countries also that don't flood.
Honestly? The only way you will learn about the Philippines or some other country is by boots on the ground and I don't mean a week or 2 trip but multiple. You may be pleasantly surprised or head for the hills.
Cheers, Steve.
This is all to prepare for a 2-3 week trip in a few months to narrow down places to check out once I get there since I can’t stay for months and months to see a bunch of places.  I’m wanting to escape the USA and the Philippines being English friendly as well as constantly hearing how good of people they are make me really want to check it out. Lower quality food and healthcare worries me, but for healthcare I am really only worried about for emergencies. For surgeries I would probably just fly to Thailand or back to the USA. As long as I have a reasonable chance to survive a heart attack or car crash I would survive in the US emergency room that is fine. Basic emergency care is most important to me because I’m lucky enough to be able to go elsewhere for specific care. I only need to find a couple decent restaurants and I will be fine. Cooking is no biggie.  I’m excited to see smiling sweet faces again and people who enjoy people. The USA has gotten cold and political as hell. I can deal with trash. I don’t prefer it but from what I’ve seen of Iloilo and Davao it is plenty well kept up for me. Really liking the move over to underground powerlines as well from what I can see in videos. Boots will be on the ground eventually. Waiting for the passport to show up in my mailbox.
What do you mean?
Read back, flooding was the mainstay and as I said now the truth comes out. Some times I get annoyed with the goats and the barking Tokays and even the Barangay Capitan. The termites are still there but seem to be remarkably quiet, leave us alone for now. None are fickle. I enjoy living here with my partner and never worry about flooding, earthquakes nor Tsunamis, typhoons or rising sea levels
I, another asked you why you are looking at the Philippines, flooding? Retirement? Cheaper place to live? The girls? The rubber? You good sir have never been here or else you wouldn't ask impertinent questions.
As said come taste and see if it's to your desire, dipping out on a flood is easy by picking the right locale. Getting robbed is easy by picking the right locale and scoring is picking the right locale, same in all countries. Thanks for the chat.
cheers, Steve.
I know I have never been there. i have limited time to check places out so I want to find the places that on paper at least are most similar to what I’m looking for. i want to retire somewhere affordable and comfy with English speakers. I don’t want to be in the West anymore. Thailand looked cool but the visa hassles and much lower English proficiency made me scratch it off the list. The rest of Asia doesn’t really fit the bill.
I saw a couple people describe the Philippines as 1950s America culturally.  I‘m beyond excited to get in my time machine (an airplane) and get over there.
Bruce, time to learn. Piss of your flooding cr@p and get real, You as I see have asked questions on 2 sites that I know of, possibly more with left field submissions. You want help? This is an open forum and as you cheers, Scan see some of us suffer fools lightly.
At a technical thinking level here is late 90's, what you and I are used to is weeks away here to get a simple answer.
I am not going to prattle on, over it with you. You good sir need to visit and get your hands dirty, flooding yes, typhoons yes, earthquakes yes, poverty yes, misinterpretations and second guessing yes, welcome to the Philippines, more fun. Apparently.
Taste here or pick another country. Perhaps chat once you visit here but in the mean time I simply see clutching and clutching at straws that don't exist only in the perpetrators mind.
Cheers, Steve.
Is English your second language? You have the strangest replies and get butthurt about innocuous things. You are a strange character. You are desperate to be offended and mad. Take your own psychiatrist recommendation you gave me.
Another waste of space. Not listening nor learning from the input from those you asked for help/recommendations from visiting an open forum but trapped in a bubble. A lot of soul searching?
Your OP on 2 expat sites started out about flooding in a country you have never visited nor probably ever will and now you attack the people that have time and again tried to help?
Cheers, Steve,
Smallchungo . . . . How do Iloilo, Cebu, and Davao compare when it comes to things like flooding, typhoons, and earthquakes (or any other disaster I haven’t thought about)? I have dogs so just taking off on a plane for a week or two isn’t really an option. I would be renting a house so getting a higher level condo to avoid flooding isn’t really an option either. I read something that every barangay in Iloilo is flood prone. This would eliminate it as an option for me because the last thing I want is my house getting soaked in disease water.
As bigpearl said . . . . .Boots on the ground, I suggest 40 days and 40 nights, bring your umbrella.
Sincerely yours,
You haven’t tried to help whatsoever. You are trying to be a hall monitor and control what people ask and post and where they post it. Others have been helpful, you have been a combative little weirdo. You also look for things to be upset about and critique. Sad little man.
@Enzyte Bob
I will be there to see it in person soon enough (waiting for my passport to show up). Gathering as much info as I can before going.Â
Ah Bob You are more succinct and direct than me in fewer words, pat on the back to you and glad to see you finally turned yourself/bio into Peter Falk, who's next Michael Knight?
To the OP English is my first language as dictated by kings and queens hence flavour instead of the lazy flavor or as my Neighbours say some people are a waste of space instead of neighbors are definitely a total waste of time and effort, I knew a slug once, a few snails and they never sprouted the cr@p but simply asked and digested, 40 years ago I had a bank manager tell me to listen, I did and now I'm multi millionaire, I have no care for floods, I did my research online for 10 years and filled in the blanks in the same 10/12 years and filled in the blanks with credible questions and asks on expat sites for those members to advise.
You sir have come here on this site and prattle on about flooding in a country you have never been to and when some members slap you the dialogue changes,
Stop wasting the serious members time and come back and spit out your findings if ever you venture here, As said a waste of space.
Cheers, Steve.
This is a forum to ask questions. What does being there first have to do with asking about flooding? How is being there going to answer my questions about flooding if it isn’t flooded at the exact time I am there? Your only advice is â€don’t worry about itâ€. Okay, got it. You haven’t added anything else except these bizarre rants in broken English. I think the HIV has been eating your brain. What I have been seeking this entire time has been related to my original question until you kept adding questions about details, which I eventually provided. You did 10 years of research. Cool story.  I’m trying to gather info before I’m there in under 6 months so I’m going to ask what I want and about what I care about even if Steve the butthurt doesn’t like it.
Ah another wanker and apparently then some. What you posted was Ludacris Initially and I will correct you fool, there is nothing wrong with my English, simply your comprehension and unlearned spelling abilities.
Ignorance is bliss, where did HIV come into the conversation? Oh It was you yet again clutching at straws. Fool and God help you, plenty is needed. And now I see the dude I am dealing with. Mate? God helps those that help themselves, certainly not you, look, search, annoy members on many sites but I have no pity on you.
Fools rush in.
Cheers, Steve.
HIV came from context clues you’ve already given. It’s accurate isn’t it? 🤣 Funny hearing someone like YOU bring up God. I don’t want pity from a degen like you, that is for sure. Enjoy your empty fucked up life
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