I'd like to explore the possibility to move to Sweden, my field is Informatics, but as Support Engineer, we do a lot of things: incident response, oncall rota, automations, security, networking etc...
I hope it makes an idea of what I do.
I currently live in UK, and I'm on around 90k pounds per year (it would be 98300 SEK monthly) + benefits (around 3.5k pounds).
I live in the surroundings of London, 90k in London wouldn't even pay for a 2 rooms.
Many say that I have high salary, but it has never been high enough to provide a high life quality, plus, as of now the reality is that it's 20% less worth prior to the pandemic, so not nice at all, but I've never starved.
The first issue I noticed in Sweden is the salary for my position, which is not different from a Software Developer and almost Software Engineer, it's around the half!
In the big picture, it wouldn't even make sense to think about working on a role above mine.
Funny story is that taxation in Sweden is much higher, so those less money will be felt even more.
I understand that some additional public service is provided, but I don't see that in my life. Maybe if I hadn't the car (in UK public services are a joke), but still doesn't add up to the entire loss, even with a 1:1 comparison.
I have a few questions:
1. Do I have the correct numbers in hand?
2. What kind of advantage I would have in Sweden? Trivial question, but I mean beyond the good work-life balance as advertised by everyone
3. What kind of additional personal security can I receive?
Permanent health insurance?
Better government benefits if the worst happens?
My objective to come in Sweden is not money, even though what I saw about salaries and life cost is the first thing (it's a good measure, that's all), I just wish to get rid off the sick environment where we all work, in UK/US the working mantra in our industry is work always, even outside startups, everyone races with each other and it's an extremely unhealthy environment, plus the turnover is very high at any salary band, and I swear that I've seen higher turnover in Support/R&D than in a bad call center.
As a direct consequence, I expect the people to be better too (not mandatory, just a nice have), in UK it's just incredible, but what can I pretend from such life style of working like crazy, long hours, many weekends taken away and most probably you're not even paid, but the payment wouldn't solve the problem, LET'S BE CLEAR on that.
The people can't be any good, that's an assurance. On top of that, they also don't socialize, but I always wondered if it was due to the unhealthy working space more than the massive immigration, both make most of their daily struggle I guess.
I've seen a lot of troubles with massive immigration in Sweden, but as in UK, just staying away from those places should be enough, I just hope they solve it as some point.
At the end, I want to come in Sweden to be in peace, be in a country where pretty much everything sounds, work as I should, have proper time off or free time after working hours, have sufficient money to live nicely and pay every insurance I may ever need, do the sports I like and possibly live in a safe area, that's it.
I love the cold and the mountains, I couldn't choose a better place.
Oh, possibly having enough space of living because in UK is a serious pandemic, but I guess that renting/buying an house is possible only for an handful of people, certainly not with the salaries of my industry AND certainly not with the life cost nowadays.
Thanks everyone.