Hi all,
What do you think about the means of transportation in Belgrade ?
Belgrade has a great public transport system. Plus taxis are everywhere, too. It's your choice.
Is the network of means of transportation well developed?
VERY well developed. You can almost get everywhere by public transport which included buses, trolley-buses, and trolleys.
What modes of transport are available?
Taxis, buses, trolley-buses, trolleys... those are the main. You have trains and buses to get you to locations of out town.
Do you use them?
Every day! I don't have a car. I use public transport every day to go wherever I need. Generally not having to be on foot too much unless I want to be. I've used a bus to travel outside of Belgrade to a Southeastern town called Soko Banja and it wasn't bad either!
How much is a fare?
Buses, trolley-buses, and trolleys are 50 RSD if you buy tickets at a kiosk or similar, and 100 RSD if you buy on the transport. That's for Zone 1 tickets - which is pretty much what everybody needs. Zone 2 and 3 are for those of us who live outside of the normal areas of Belgrade.
Are they relatively safe?
VERY safe! Yes, I had a gypsy pick-pocket me and a junkie tried. I caught the junkie. That was twice in one month. But that's the only time I've EVER had problems here and I've been here almost 2 years. In general Belgrade and Serbia are safe.
What is the mean of transportation you use the most in Belgrade?
Bus or trolley-bus depending on where I'm going and where I am at. Trolleys I use if I'm headed over to Novi Beograd sometimes, but that depends, too. Buses and trolley-buses are the most common as they are everywhere in the city.
Thanks in advance for participating!