

Public transportation in Mongolia

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Hi all,

What do you think about the means of transportation in Mongolia ?

Is the network of means of transportation well developed? What modes of transport are available?

Do you use them?

How much is a fare?

Are they relatively safe?

What is the mean of transportation you use the most in Mongolia?

Thanks in advance for participating!


public transportation generally isn't very safe in UB.

Bus ride: 400MNT

Microbus ride: 500-1000MNT

Taxi ride: 500MNT per km
(taxis are any car off the street)


Thanks for your contribution ubexpat.info!



Hi there,

I've been heard we can rent the private driver and the car, any idea for the cost?



I think the network in UB is pretty good.  It is safe and easy to use.  The electric busses are slower and rougher, so they cost 200T.  However, you'll spend 80% of the time stuck in traffic, it would almost be faster to walk anywhere in the city.


Thanks for your help MrCAMEL ;)



or call a cab with the number 1950 - that's 1200 for picking you up and 600 T a km. That's even cheaper than private drivers who either guess a price (and multiply it by 3 for a foreigner) or charge you with 100T per 100m. They use the day trip milage counter....

The 1950 cabs (and from two more taxi companies) have electronic meters, and after 22 o'clock it's the most reliable transport media in UB.




Ojutan is right, it would be best to call a cab rather than take the bus.
Buses are overcrowded and not very clean.

If you do call a cab, be sure to call a reputable company like City Taxi etc.


One more thing, always expect pickpocket in a bus.


I've taken the bus a hundred times and it never happened to me that I was pocketpicked there. But some people put their wallets in the rear pocket of their pants and let them hang half out of the pocket.... that's an invitation "take me" in red letters.


just an update on the taxi prices, its 700 MNT per Km now due to the gas prices.... ( in UB anyway)