

Public transportation in the Seychelles

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Hi all,

What do you think about the means of transportation in the Seychelles ?

Is the network of means of transportation well developed? What modes of transport are available?

Do you use them?

How much is a fare?

Are they relatively safe?

What is the mean of transportation you use the most in the Seychelles?

Thanks in advance for participating!


Hey Amand,

The main transportation is bus,you can check the website at for the schedule.
I use this service everyday.It is safe and it's 5 Rupees for each trip 0600-2000,2000 onwards is 8 Rupees.

If you want to travel purpose,I would recommend to rent a car because you can stop anywhere when you feels like enjoy the great view,2 days will cover the whole Mahe.You may rent a car with a price of 500Rupees a day,you may use your credit card as deposit or pay USD900 cash as deposit.

Hope this information helps. =)


Thank you for this useful information ronald_tsc! :)


write to me than I can, so help