

Restaurant supplies


Hi everyone, I am looking to open a restaurant and need I to purchase restaurant supplies. This restaurant is going to be in Samana. Does anyone know of a wholesaler that I can purchase from? We have a business license. Thank you!

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First it would help to tell us where honey?  There are a number of wholesalers in Santo Domingo,  Santiago and  the north coast, specifically  Puerto Plata.

What specifically are you looking for?   There is a tradeshow starting tomorrow and running  5 days at the Dominican Fiesta hotel in Santo Domingo that you may want to attend. Lots of different businesses there.


@planner Thank you for the response. The restaurant will be in Samana. We need just about everything that you need to open a restaurant: commercial sink, commercial refrigerator, freezer, blender, gas stove just to name a few items. The trade show sounds promising. I will look into it.


I think the trade show would be a good idea. Sorry I do not know what suppliers may be in Samana.


The supplier does not need to be in Samana. We can arrange to pick up if needed.


Santo domingo is your best  bet then. There are multiple suppliers there.  Get yourself to that tradeshow and that will help a lot!


You don't happen to know the name of this trade show, do you? The hotel does not have any info on their facebook. Searching on Google is not bringing anything up. Thank you


Expo Santo Domingo!


Very creative eh??? 1f923.svg1f923.svg1f923.svg



There is a very nice restaurant supply store in Punta Cana which opened just under a year ago. The name is PIlsa and I believe it's a company from Spain. They may have other locations (i.e. Santo Domingo?) but I'm not sure. They carry everything you could want for a restaurant and they supply many of the hotels/restaurants in the Punta Cana area. They also sell retail (cash & carry) which is why I went to find some items there and I was very impressed with the varied selection of things they have available.

They carry everything from silverware, glassware, plates and serving platters and pots & pans, to 3-compartment sinks, steam tables, freezers, and the like. It's a big place. I don't know if they offer delivery on larger items but if you can't make it to the trade show and want to check them out, it may be a start. Actually, they may even be at the trade show.

It's quite a ways from Samana as there's no direct route.


I forgot to add, this is a link to Pilsa's catalog: