

Renewing Digital Nomad Visa + Obtaining Cartao RNE

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I'm applied to renew my Digital Nomad Visa and I've been waiting (i.e. EM TRAMITE) since March 6th. My residency / RNE expired on April 6th and every 30 days I have to download some certidao de processo em andamento to say I'm still a legal temporary resident, which is quite annoying. My questions:

  • How long is it taking to process these renewals?
  • What if I leave the country to go to Europe as planned, leave all my belongings in my apartment here, and then they decide to reject my renewal while I'm overseas?
  • I lost my original cartao de RNE in October and have been waiting since October to get it replaced. This is crazy and no one can give me any information other than they are in contract negotiations with the vendor who supplies the RNE cards and no one has received one since October last year. Does anyone have any info on when I can expect to get my cartao de RNE?

Any help appreciated as this is extremely frustrating. Thanks.

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilVisas & Other Documents in BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilRetirement Visa for Brazil



Hi @fowzee

  • It was already taking around 2 months last year, and I think it is even longer as posted by others in the forum
  • If you decide to go, and your application is rejected, you can always come back as a tourist as the time spent as a resident does not count against a tourist stay. But this is open to interpretation by airline/border officials and could be risky.
  • Check out this thread: /forum/viewtopic.php?id=1062735 for the last question.

I would normally postpone travel just for my own peace in such a situation, but of course you always renew that 30 days certificates and make your trip. And I guess I am being overly cautious, Brazilian officials should be aware of all the delays and I would expect them to be more understanding.

Just keep in mind that when your application is accepted, you will have to go to the federal police in person in 30 days to complete the process.


thanks for the response - one other question - I applied to have it renewed for 2 years instead of 1 - have you heard of 2 year renewals ever being granted? Given the length of time this process takes, its practically time to renew again if you only do it for one year (and the fewer times I have to deal with this, the better).

Peter Itamaraca


I believe the Digital Nomad visa is granted initially for one year, and then can only be extended for one further year. But please let us know if you have success with a 2 year extension.


Can anyone help me with this? They just got back to me 2 days ago requesting additional documents (even though I already sent them the documents they are asking for). I saw another thread on this topic but its still not answering my question.

The main thing I need to get is this:

Certidões de antecedentes criminais ou documento equivalente, emitido pela autoridade judicial competente de onde tenha residido durante a autorização de residência de temporária.
Faltam apresentar as Certidões JUDICIAIS criminais brasileiras abaixo: 1) Certidão criminal expedida pela Justiça Comum Federal- TRF do Estado, referente ao tempo de residência do imigrante em território nacional, conforme disposto no inciso X, art. 1º, RN 01/2017 e no item nono da Nota Técnica nº 003/2018/CGIg/GM/MTb.

I'm living in Sao Paulo and I submitted the following two documents:

  • I selected "Criminal" from the "tipo de certidao" drop-down list
  • I selected "Certidao de Execucao Criminal" from the drop-down list - is this the right one?

Did I do something wrong or should I just re-submit the exact same documents I submitted for this criminal background check part? Thanks for the help.


hi @fowzee - I am a bit confused, but your first document seems right to me, but confirm below. The second one is not correct.

1) - Criminal -  Abragencia: Secao Judiciaria Sao Paulo

2) - it should be Certidão de Distribuição de Ações criminais

(Document list for all states: )

Before you submit them, I would advise you to confirm all details so that they don't reject it again. Is the quoted text from them is any different from their first request?


About renewal period, just to confirm @Peter Itamaraca ,

45/2021 law says the first applications can be made "1 year" and be renewed for the "same time period" ie, 1 year.

However, there is nothing in the law limiting it to a single extension. So as we are now entering the 3rd year of this law, we will see soon how it works in practice, whether they are accepting second renewal (3rd year) applications or not.

Peter Itamaraca


The point I was making to @Fowzee is that he has applied for a 2 year extension, and there is no provision in the law for this - only for a 1 x 1 year extension. This may be causing some delay for him as they try to figure if it is possible.


Migranteweb wrote back to me the following:

Prezado (a),

Leia com atenção a exigência solicitada:

Faltam apresentar as Certidões JUDICIAIS criminais brasileiras abaixo:

1) Certidão criminal expedida pela Justiça Comum Federal- TRF do Estado, referente ao tempo de residência do imigrante em território nacional, conforme disposto no inciso X, art. 1º, RN 01/2017 e no item nono da Nota Técnica nº 003/2018/CGIg/GM/MTb.

Consta no processo, que o interessado anexou apenas da Jutiça Comum, falta da Justiça Federal – TRF.

(and they attached the below image)


So it looks like if i do what you said, fix the second one and submit the following,  I'll be all set?

1) ">https://web.trf3.jus.br/certidao-regional - Criminal -  Abragencia: Secao Judiciaria Sao Paulo

2) - it should be Certidão de Distribuição de Ações criminais


this is the image migranteweb sent me - it didn't load above



Can I ask 2 follow-up questions:

1) They asked for simple translations (TRADUCOES SIMPLES) of 1) my employment contract 2) a bank statement. Does that mean I can just translate it myself and give it to them?

2) Which formulario do I need from this list?

They asked for the following:

Formulário de Requerimento de Autorização de Residência, conforme Anexo I, assinado pelo interessado ou por seu representante legal;

1) Apresentar formulário e Requerimento de Autorização de Residência, conforme Anexo I da RN 45/2021, assinado pelo interessado ou por seu representante legal.


The image is the criminal document I mentioned, yes.

For a full list of documents including Anexo I da RN 45/2021 which you need to fill in and sign, you can check this post: /forum/viewtopic.p … 44#5875368

Traducoes Simples: It sounds like it. Maybe someone else here can confirm though, @abthree does this mean just your own translation?

Peter Itamaraca

Traducoes Simples

I have never known a Brazilian immigration authority accept your own translation of a document for visa purposes. Ever. They have no way of knowing if you have translated it correctly or not - if they did why would they need the translation?! This is why they have official translators.

We pay R$80 a page, so it is not expensive, and do you really want to risk further delay?


OK - I spoke to migranteweb. "Traducoes Simples" means I can do it myself. It doesn't have to be certified / notarized. But all the translations need to be put into the same PDF as the original - they won't accept it in different files.

Re: the criminal background checks, it turns out I need to submit both of them in the same file as well - not separate files.

Will let you know whether or not I get approved for the 2 year extension or not! Thanks for the help!


05/11/24 Traducoes Simples: It sounds like it. Maybe someone else here can confirm though, @abthree does this mean just your own translation?


Yes, I believe that it does.


Hey guys,

my status on migranteweb changed to â€DEFERIDO†- is that a bad thing? sounds like it means it was Deferred.

what should I do now? :/


ahhh I see now - DEFERIDO is a good thing! It means I was approved -  I just need to wait for my name to be Publicado in the DOU and I can see that by clicking on the magnifying glass next to migrante web. Reposting rocade's answer on another thread here in case someone else needs it (thank you, @rocade and abthree!)

On migranteweb where it says "Ações do Processo", next to your name there is the magnifying glass icon. When you click that, does the next page say Publicado yet?

When it is Publicado, the procedure is the same both for first application and renewals. You will need to:

1) Pay the GRU

2) Get an appointment at your local Policia Federal Branch.

3) Collect the documents needed for Policia Federal and appear at your appointment.

1) Paying the GRU

First you need to create a boleto through this link:

Fill in your information. Where it says "Codigo Receita STN", you should fill in the number 140120. When you do that, if this value appears below R$204,77,  everything should be correct. This will create a "boleto" for you. Save and print it.

Bring it to a bank (I do it at Banco do Brasil) and pay by cash. They will give you your payment proof and the boleto, keep both.

2) Appointment

Through this link, fill in your information and follow steps to create your appointment at your local Policia Federal. Save and print all confirmation pages. There should be one page that includes your appointment date & time Dados de Agendamento. And another longer one that has all your information and a part at the end where you will need to sign.

3) Documents you will need

They are listed in the link below and I will add my explanation through my experience in Sao Paulo, Lapa. Each place may vary in their flexibility.


The document list are basically these, in the order of that checklist

1) The online confirmation form above which you need to sign

2) A photo, just in case, they probably will not ask for it

3) Address form, it says "preferably with some proof of residence" but they don't ask for it in Sao Paulo. You need to fill in, print and sign this form:

4) Your passport. They will probably ask for a copy of your ID page of your passport.

5) Birth Certificate with your parents full names, apostille & translated. For renewals: you don't need a birth certificate. (If you already have a CRNM and renewing it, or your parents full names are in your passport, you don't need this)

6) The DOU publication pages with your name. I would just print all the immigration DOU of that day because they ask for some "title" page in DOU apart from the page with your name is. Find here:

7) Payment proof of GRU

And on what happens when you go to your appointment at Policia Federal, I shared an experience here from last year which is still the same at SP/Lapa: /forum/viewtopic.p … =4#5741896



I spoke to soon. Can anyone tell me how to schedule an appointment with the Policia Federal? I've been trying for 2 days using

But that's not working - no slots available. So today I showed up at the PF and they told me I couldn't be seen without an appointment.

My name was published on May 23rd so that means I have until June 23rd to finish this process right? Any advice here on how to force an appointment through? I'm trying to stay patient, but this really is absurd at this point. Any help appreciated.

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