

Crossing by land from Senegal at Diama border

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Zylen Xavier-Hendrix

I'm not sure if this specific matter is entirely relevant to the forum, but I was wondering if anyone reading this has crossed into Mauritania from Senegal at Diama border or knows somebody who has — I would like to know if a Yellow Fever vaccine certificate is needed to cross the border as I will be doing so this month and would like to avoid taking this vaccine if possible.

Thank you


See also

Living in Mauritania: the expat guideYellow Fever CertficateNew members of the Mauritania forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025General information - English German Math teachingstudent of knowledge
Zylen Xavier-Hendrix

@Zylen Xavier-Hendrix

To answer my own question in case anyone else is interested, no, it's not needed.