

Personal credit rating

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I presume the Cyprus financial industry has a similar rating system to the UK to check credit worthyness of applicants? Not that I am expecting to need credit in Cyprus although I might want a Cypriot credit card to make things easier. I have had a Cypriot bank account for 18 months. Does anyone know if this is available to check like Experian etc?

See also

Banking and finance in CyprusUK bank Account Moving To CyprusBanking EnquiryAdvice needed on bank requestPink Slip and Money


When I asked about this a few years ago at Hellenic they demanded the same amount of cash to be held on deposit equivalent to the credit limit required .. ... It was at that time easier to get the credit card when you had a mortgage with the same bank


I can confirm what toon said is still true. When my husband enquired about a credit card last year, he was told to get a mortgage then he could have a credit card and a personal loan. He was offered an alternative which was to find a cypriot friend with a business or a house to act as guarantor.

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