

What's life like for Seniors in UY?

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I'm retired and living in the upper Midwest of the U.S. Time for me to move south, but in the U.S. or to Uruguay. UY seemed like a great place because it was stable and "boring" in terms of radical changes.

I've never been to UY so I should probably take a trip there and scout it out. Also not sure about Medicare - I think if you cancel it but then return to the U.S., you sign up at the current (higher) rate.

I looked into tours, but they were quite expensive and I wasn't really going for the normal tourist reasons. Any low-cost tour turned out to be an add-on to the expensive tours.

What's life like for Seniors in UY?

Thanks in advance,


See also

Living in Uruguay: the expat guideResidency statusWhat Does Everyone Do?Mastercard at ATMs and banking in UruguayIs there something like a PO Box?


Hello, JT!

Moving without commitment makes no sense.  Much too much effort!  No matter where you go in the world and look at the expat community (wherever they come from if they are Westerners) many go back and you leave a lot of energy and money on this trip / experiment.

I totally agree with you, you should scout it out.  I took me a 2 1/2 week trip in which I drove 4000 km to convince me that I WANT to make this country my home, and Uruguayos my neighbours.

Things atre not without risk here.  The LaCalle Pou administration was good for this country.  I doubt that the new administration will be the same, looks more like Biden Harris AOC.  But I will see what will happen. 

I have met a lot of seniors on my travels in Uruguay, whether active or just living.  I think you can enjoy Uruguay both ways.  What is your way?

Uruguay is expensive by Latin American standards.  The competitive health care system is good and affordable. 

If you have any questions please contact me.  Good luck with your decision.




it is frustrating - I can not edit my last post.  So I add the information here:

I have met much more active and engaged expat seniors in Uruguay (with the exception of Argentinian expats perhaps) than anywhere else in the world.  Uruguay seems to attract this type people, who want to proof one more time what they can do and put a lot of sweat into their projects.

Outside of the greater Montevideo area it is very safe, especially in the interior.



Hello everyone and welcome JT47 !

Just to inform you that this new thread has been opened on the Uruguay forum for better visibility.

All the best




Thank you  for your thoughts. Just as the U.S. is getting on the right track - moving away from socialism - Uruguay appears to be moving towards this and I don't want that. It gives me some time to see how things are going in UY and maybe I can visit if I get someone to look after my pets.



Yes, you are not under time pressure so use the time.

If you should come here for a visit perhaps we can meet (I just had other interested people here at my farm) and we can compare notes.  It is so much easier (and pleasant) in a personal conversation.


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