

Local music venues

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My sweetie and I just moved to Arecibo from Baltimore. We've got a few lessons learned on the process of moving down from the US mainland to share if anyone is interested.

Currently we're trying to find local music venues. She's more into blues, soul, and r&b, and jazz. I'm more into punk.

See also

Living in Puerto Rico: the expat guidegetting contractorsQueen bed set for freeElectric Vehicle Excise Tax for Shipping from the US to PRHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Puerto Rico


Spent about 3 weeks in Arecibo 3 blocks from the malecon ...right around the corner from the W (Whisky) bar......What is the deal with the 50% abandoned buildings everywhere around "downtown"???

I guess Hurricanes Irma and the  proximate Maria (9/2017)....chased all the " USA territorials" to mainland USA.

In either case, I think PR is a fine alternative for long term habitation ....

Would love to contact you when I arrive, within 5 weeks as I perform " the final countdown".

Look forward to any advice you have to offer.

Best regards,




W is very close to where we are. The house we bought used to be an AirBnB.

I think the abandoned buildings are mostly a combination of younger generations leaving the city and unemployment. People go where the jobs are.

What kind of advice are you looking for?



And thank you for the reply. I planned on coming down for an,extended stay, up front to get a deeper understanding of the island.

Then relocate permanently if the situation warrants .

General advice would include , how did you find your present property, what is the used car market like, etc.

Mostly, if you purchased you must have had a sound reason. Do you like your new surroundings?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


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