

Looking for roommates/friends in Phuket town

Sorawee Detkhachit

    My name is Sorawee and I just move to Phuket. I am a sale in Phuket town. I'd like to find an affordable house/apt: is anyone looking for a roommate to live near the Central Festival mall or Phuket town.

    Also, always nice to meet cool people. Let me know if you'd like to meet for a drink, head to the beach or do yoga. Thanks in advance for your responses!


See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in PhuketAccommodation in ThailandBuying a property in ThailandAccommodation in Pattaya

Hi there, unfortunately I will not be retiring to TH until August 2026.  However, finding a roommate to begin my transition to a new home sounds intriguing, I had never thought of that.  It would assist in my acclimation to a new culture.  Perhaps when August arrives I might initially take that route.  Thanks for the idea. I would enjoy staying in touch to see how living with a roommate goes for you.

Take care, Colton


@Sorawee Detkhachit

Hello and welcome !

Feel free to post an advert in the property section, we will share it in our newsletter : /en/housing/asia/thailand/phuket/

All the best



@Sorawee Detkhachit

I think you should find an affordable room and live alone first, until you meet your co-worker in Phuket

who you can trust. Please inbox me your target rent per month; my friend can help you find the right accommodations.