

Buying books in Brazil


A way to avoid feeding the Bezos machine, get Brazilian books cheaper, re-use books (more ecological than buying new), AND finding [at times] rare gems, is by using EstanteVirtual which represents many used book stores (sebos) throughout Brazil.

Another fabulous but also more expensive way to get books in Portuguese is directly from many online bookstores. Here are a few of my favorites:

(I fell in love with this chain in Rio a long time ago)

(where I buy a great Aldo Leopold "Land Ethics" book that is well-translated)

(An awesome store located in Rio that is an "old style" book store - said to be the "oldest" book store)

(In Portugal but good source for translated books not found here)

(Same as FNAC)

One of my most favorite experiences here in the nordeste has been to go to the Recife Praça dos Sebos, located here:

Why it is a favorite is that you can sit in the praça and order drinks/foods (street food) and request from vendors from the surrounding used book stores the books that you wish. While you relax at the praça they find what you need/want. I find it an especially unique Brazilian experience.

Do you have any favorite sources?

For music I mostly use Apple but have been finding great stuff here in Brazil via DISCOGS, an online buy/sell vinyl/CD venue.


See also

Living in Brazil: the expat guideExtending Digital Nomad Visa - Bug on MigranteWeb website?Wasted Energy in BrazilDivorce/Permanent ResidencyCPF for foreigners