

2012 Malta Mover

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Would like to say Hello To Everyone.

My Wife and I are Planning on moving from the UK to Malta April 2012.

The plan is to arrive with suitcases and a big cheesy smile, find somewhere to live and find some work, and hopefully not set foot back to the UK.

Has anyone else on this site done the similar? If so How did it go? I know that it will be hard work, but is their any pitfalls need to look out for?

Hopefully we will find work within three months, but if we dont how long do we have to leave malta, before re entering? I only have six months to make a go of it.

Excited and Terrified all in one, but if we dont try it I know we would regret it


See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideAny Spanish speaking families in Malta?Moving to Malta 🇲🇹 for Nursing as a UK 🇬🇧 Nurseneed information regarding third country pharmacist registrationMeet for lunch?

Assuming you are an EU citizen, you can stay for 3 months as a tourist at a time, leave and return the same day and remain a tourist as long as it isn't your intention to take up residency - in reality you don't really even need to leave. I've PM'd you a link covering

1. An EU citizens legal rights - residency, working, students
2. what sort of residency is available ?
3. what do I need to apply for if I want to reside in Malta ?
4. do I need to apply for residency before coming to live in Malta ?
5. do I need an accountant to apply for residency ?
6. do I need health insurance ?
6.1 Do I qualify for public health cover, and if I do, what cover do I have ? Are prescriptions free ?
7. can I work in Malta ?
7.1 How much is income tax ?
7.2 How much are social security contributions ?
8. where do I apply for my residency certificate ?
9. where can I get the OR application form ?
10. where do I apply for my ID card ?
11. what documents do I need to apply for OR ?
12. can I vote in Malta ?
13. buying a property FAQ
14. renting a property FAQ
15. Importing a vehicle FAQ
16. What's the procedure for importing/exporting a pet ?
17. Can I use my driving licence in Malta ?
17.1 Applying for driving licence
18. Long term residency certificate


Hi Lee!

My husband and I are doing the same at the moment. We moved here two weeks ago without having anything set up or knowing anybody. So far, it's been fine. It's very easy to rent a place, we were working with Dhalia agent and had a place rented the next day. Had internet set up on the same day too, had to pay a deposit, but you wouldn't have to with a Maltese ID card. It's very easy to get one, takes less than a week. Got a car rather easily too. Once you have your ID, mobile contracts are very straightforward to get as well.
As far as jobs, we haven't started looking yet, so will share my experience later. Wish you all the best of luck in your move!



hiya Lee,

Welcome to the forum and good luck on the move.  Work is fairly easy to find but of course its depending on experience and what you want to do.

HSBC are usually hiring in the Call centre at Birkakara....

I did the Move in June, but got a Job then moved... Agencies such as Reeds, Castille resources, Quad etc are a good place to start..

Enjoy the apprehension ;)



Northway Brokers in Sliema are also always looking for call centre staff too. Its basically a payday loan company - of canadian origin and only deal with UK customers....they are very good with their staff, have a good pay structure and room for promotion too.

good luck


Wow, Thanks Guys for the postive response's, really useful stuff along with the rest of the site information.

It makes a great difference to share  your information and your experiences, especially from this end as a newbie.

Without a doubt I will be over in April (if the wife had her way it would be yesterday), and hopefully get the chance to meet you all, over a cisk.

As for work, we are not to sure what we would aim for, (I vote for the wife getting a job and good pay for the both of us, whislt i go fishing, but she's not having any of it).

We both have a range of skills which we can adapt and develop, to suit the opportunities available. My biggest worry is getting a job, to maintain living in Malta, so that we dont end up coming back to UK, but I will turn my hand to anything, and work hard, so hopefully we will be ok.


georgeingozo,Hi. Any chance of sending me that information please.
it sounds like it could be very useful.


Hi, We're planning to move in Malta (me, my husband and my 18-months daughter) from Italy when my husband will find a job. He's in contact with some vacancy agencies now.
I think you are doing the right thing, you have to try because you could regret it in the future.


We to are moving to Malta next year and are planning to work there so it is reassuring to hear that it isn't to hard to find work. I am a support worker for disabled people and would like to carry on doing this in Malta. My partner will try his hand at anything and will give anything ago to make a living for us. I am very excited to moving.


jeromem - you've made 3 posts in a row mentioning simonmamo - do you work for them ?


Of course he works for them !

I'm just having him and his company banned and removed from the forum.

He has not made a decent contributions in the past. So I presume his company simon mamo is not any better. One to avoid in the future.

And I will report him to his own company and report the reply I get.



Depending on your language skills, the gaming industry usually has jobs going in a number of different departments.  There are a few specific agencies dealing with recruitment for this industry and a quick search on the internet should bring up the main ones.  Alternatively, you could try looking at the sites of those companies directly, as most of them have career pages.


Usually requires being fluent in at least two languages.....


Does english and bad english count? lol Think i will have to rely on good old elbow grease and good old charn


toonarmy9752 wrote:

Usually requires being fluent in at least two languages.....

How about Scottish and English ? :)


What about salary in gaming sector?thank you!


L&S wrote:

Think i will have to rely on good old elbow grease and good old charn

charn - is that what's used to make butter ?


"container"  yourself george...LOL


Hi deborap7,

the jobs in customer care usually pay somewhere between 20 and 25 thousand €/year which depends on experience,language combinations and so on. I've heard that they are particulary looking for people speaking two (or more) languages very well. English doesn't count !

Managers and IT guys get more.



Thanks George,
I have just got a new phone, and haven't quite got used to the keys, either that or the bad english. lol




Flights Booked - Check
Hotel Booked - Check
Arriving 13th March, woo hoo, see you all soon:D


good luck guys.....


L&S wrote:

Flights Booked - Check
Hotel Booked - Check
Arriving 13th March, woo hoo, see you all soon:D

Full of envy!!!

Spent virtually all of the past year in Malta but had to return to the UK for family health reasons and miss being there massively...

Hopefully will return in the not too distant future all things being equal.

and a good 2012 to one and all!


voodoo hoodoo

Great news,

Any help you guys need or a coffee and chat when you arrive just drop me a line, good luck! :)

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