Alternative school in Malta: Waldorf Pedagogy
More and more every day, parents concern for the education of their children are looking for alternative models of pedagogy that can prepare their kids for life as full human beings, not only teaching the academic curriculum but also concepts and skills basic to have a healthy and happy life.
Educational models that cultivate in children social and emotional intelligence, connect them to nature, provide a richly artistic curriculum and, in summary, prepare them not to fit in the society but to develop the maximum potential within them as human beings.
As a young parents of two 3 years twin girls, and very aware about educational models, we were looking and found in Waldorf school in Spain, a pedagogy quite in line with our vision for our kids.
After the experience of having our girls in this educational model, we can say that it is like a dream for us because it has superseded our expectations. And the main proof of that for us is to see the amazing change in them with regards to their happiness and attitude to life.
In Waldorf school, play is viewed as the work of the young child. The magic of fantasy, which is so alive in every young child, is an integral part of how the teacher works with the child.
The Waldorf philosophy stresses that the child gradually learns to be a social being, and that the development of the young child in the social realm is as important as anything else we do. The teacher has the role of orchestrating how this happens – through modeling good social behavior with children, through joining together in movement activities, singing or games to develop group consciousness, and by helping children to humanistically work through disagreements
We are now living part of the time in Malta and are very interested in finding parents with similar interests in education, with the aim of creating a Waldorf school, or something similar, in Malta, starting by kinder garden (age 3-6).
We are sure that many parents with children in this age can be interested in this type of educational model and would love them to contact us to get informed about this project.
If you are interested please contact Julián Sáez
You can get more info about Waldorf pedagogy at
Hi Julian,
welcome to the forum.
I look forward to an interesting discussion on this topic although I can imagine that it will not be easy to set up a new school in the Maltese system of state,church and private schools.
Hi Ricky, thanks for your interest!
I think that the first step is to see if there are parents interested in giving their children an alternative model of education to the more standard ones.
I see that the option of Waldorf school would be very good for Malta, not to compete with the schools already stablished but to complement the existing offer.
It is established today that not only the academic curriculum is what the kids need to success in life. There are new concepts as emmotional intgelligence, social intelligence, multiple intelligences that have been demonstrated as basics to success in life and have a healty and happy development.
And I think that Maltese people have the right of benefit from these models.
Also people comming from other countries are used to have this type of options in the educational offers.
Like in my case, my kids go to Waldorf school in Spain, and I don't see why they can not have also this option when living in Malta.
I would. I love teach Montessori at home with a blend of the Waldorf mentality. Both are wonderful alternative to the public school where everyone is taught the same way.
I have a 4 and 7 year old, however, we still live in the states..
Hi Boston!
I agree that Montessori and Waldorf are excellent school models. And if you blend both to get the best of each then this is grate!.
Here you can see an article about diferences between Montesori and Waldorf written by a teacher that worked in both models
Are you thinging in moving to Malta?

Hi Hermes,
I'd be very interested in the Waldorf school, please PM me, Malta definitely needs another option!
I would be very interested in this. We currently live in the UK but as soon as our house sells we will be coming over to Malta. Our son is 9 months so would definitely be interested in having an alternative schooling option to look at.
Yes, we are considering moving to Malta. We have been researching Malta for YEARS. I LOVE IT.. even the non sense I read about on my Twitter account.
We will leave the U.S. in 18 months, June of 2013. Trouble is we do not know if his employeer will approve. But we are researching Malta nonetheless.
We are hoping they would approve that..
As for Montessori vs Waldorf. My eldest daughter attending Montessori until 2nd grade. We used the homeschool curriculum for our pre-school children and our first grader (in conjunction with the public school). Many of the homeschool groups here in the U.S. do blend the 2. Waldorf school are amazing, however the began at $14,500 (US) for 1st grade...not in my price range.
If you need an native English assistant, I would be happy to sit down with you..
Dear Friends!
I'm very happy to see that this project is being very well accepted by many people in Malta and outside interested in alternative schooling options.
I'm being contacted by more and more people everyday.
Many people asked how could they support this project.
One of the first things you could do is to spread the idea, so the more potential interested people can know about our project of stablishing Waldorf pedagogy in Malta.
For this, you could just prepare some simple article explaining briefly about Waldorf Pedagogy, also mentioning that there is a Waldorf movement being born in Malta and inviting people interested in knowing more to write us to
Then you can post your article in internet, in whatever blog, forum, tabloid...etc where it can be seen by people living in Malta or intending to come to live in Malta
Dear friends! Just to inform that after only two weeks of this post, we are already 10 families interested with more than 14 kids!. More than enought to go on with this inititative. We are expecting to have more and more people in the next few weeks.
So very soon we will start the next step: Look for a Waldorf teacher that wants to come to Malta to join the project, look for a place, and make an estimation of costsÂ….etc.
If any of you want to help us in this phase, you only need to spread the spreading the initiative among potential interested parents living in Malta taht you know. And also by posting about this initiative in blogs, tabloids, newspapers...etc.
I can provide you with any information you might need.
We have 2 kids (2 and 10 years)and would be interested to join your school. My wife is not working and can help you with some calls,mailing, etc..
Hi mishellp, wellcome to the project!
Last Sunday our intitiative appeared in the newspapers (Times of Malta), printed and on-line version
Since them much more people joined us in the initiative
Yesterday a Maltese radio station contacted and interviewed us (RTK Radio), and they received a lot of phones in and sms.
Dear friends!
I just wanted to share with you another article that The Sunday Times posted about our initiative.
The group of people interested in this project is growing and growing every day, sice we found a big need of this type of educational option in Malta.
Hi Marisa!
Thank you for sharing the info.
For people interested in kowing what is Waldorf pedagogy about, I would recommend this short video "The Gift of Learning"
It gives a very good overall vision
Dear friends,
Just to annouce that we started the project to open the new school in Malta (School of Positivity) based in Waldorf pedagogy and Positive Psychology.
We have an open day next 27th April (see event in FB).
Anybody interested is invited.
In joy,
You are responding to a topic from 5 years ago which was obviously so popular it died a death.
Suggest you start a new topic!
Hi! The school is not open now. After 4 years running a small waldorf kindergarten we came back to Spain because we didn't find enough people in Malta interested in co-creating the primary school and our daughters reached primary school age. So here in Spain they can enjoy this type of education. Have a nice day!
Dear people, any Montessori or Rudolf Steiner school in Gozo? or any children project running there? I live in Amsterdam and work in 2 Montessori Schools and will move to Gozo soon. I would love to work with children creating and inspiring them as that is my greatest passion.
I grew up my daughter in a Steiner school in Argentina. So I have some experience in both apart from having worked in some International schools.
Best, Guille
gwillita wrote:Dear people, any Montessori or Rudolf Steiner school in Gozo? or any children project running there? I live in Amsterdam and work in 2 Montessori Schools and will move to Gozo soon. I would love to work with children creating and inspiring them as that is my greatest passion.
I grew up my daughter in a Steiner school in Argentina. So I have some experience in both apart from having worked in some International schools.
Best, Guille
Not that I know of.
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