Thinking of visiting the Philippines, Street Smart
For a stay in Manila you need more than one day to see the main attractions. My last visit to Manila was for a week and I still did not see all there is to see. I strongly suggest you meet someone in the manila area or go with a crowd, something like a tour and let them show you around as they will suggest places to visit and places to avoid. Be street smart don't carry a lot of cash with you, do not carry a wallet in your back pocket as it will end up missing. If you carry a backpack make sure you hold it or wear it in front where you can see it or money and valuables may end up missing. Beware when kids here are begging for a few pesos while you are searching for coins some other kid is in your backpack grabbing your phone and money, it happened to my wife just recently. When you travel make sure you have a inexpensive money belt worn under your clothing to prevent theft on the airlines, believe me it happened to a close friend while he slept on the plane someone came over and emptied his pockets of about 10,000 in cash, wow. There is safety in numbers, don't venture out too far on your own and watch out for anyone following you as they are up to no good and will likely get you in an isolated area to rob you. One trip to Cebu City a few years ago my wife noticed the same two guys in the store next to where we were shopping on the street that were following us. She tole me come on walk fast, so I did, all the way back to our car and drove away. She tole me in the car that two guys were following us likely looking for an opportunity to rob us. I have been robbed of the few pesos I had on me in a CR once which is short for Comfort Room or bath room. Do not go in if you are the only one there or someone will follow you in to rob you. If kids ask for coins only give them 1 to 5 pesos, no more as likely these kids are controlled by a pimp who ends up receiving all the coins in trade for a bed. Child Labor... and some times out rite trafficking in people as in kidnapped. You see this all the time in the streets they come knocking on your car window with their hands stretched out or making a sign like they are hungry, not true this is to make you give them coins like in making you feel sorry for them, and believe me I do feel sorry for them as they are being exploited by the pimp who is in charge of them.
Again my best suggestion is to not travel alone once you get off the plane you should have someone there to meet you. I suggest meeting someone online ahead of time and have them meet you at the airport, even if it is a travel agency person you pay to show you around, I have done that myself. When choosing a travel agency to show you around get advice from the hotels as they know the best trustworthy people to help you. Also avoid wondering off on the side streets doing so will likely result in you loosing everything you have on you and even your clothing. Again do not stray off the main streets. I know of an expat actually it was his first day in the Philippines so he decided to take a walk around the neighborhood and guess what he was robbed of all his belongings including his passport.
The Philippines is a beautiful place but like any city in the world, there is crime and murder just about every day here. ![:cool:](/forum/forum/img/smilies/cool.png)