Obviously you have more experience in these matter than I, but:
Yes I do, I realize this is an old post but I hate to see such misinformation left to stand unchallenged.
"worst schools in the world?" Based on what? You key points are, in your words, not specific enough and demonstrate an astounding lack of respect.
Perhaps NOT the worst in the world but on par with anything out there that is awful. Thai schools are in fact not used to educate but rather to babysit. There is little to nothing of value taught in Gov't schools the programs they teach are awful outdated books poor teachers that often will just turn a TV and leave the room complaining they aren't paid enough to actually teach. Students that are taught that questioning a teacher is wrong and disrespectful and will result in a loss of face.. the international schools are somewhat better but amazingly over priced for what you get.
"total indoctrination into Thai culture." Your point? Thai culture is one of the reasons I'll spend the rest of my life there. Sounds pretty bigoted and judgmental.
So you want to be xenophobic and learn that lying is ok? That looking down on others less well off than you is ok depending on the color of their skin? Sorry I've lived in BKK for goign on ten years now and it is an awful place to raise a family and for that very reason my wife and I are moving out. Thai culture is wonderful on a vacation but the reality of living here and doing business here is that its perhaps one of the most messed up and damaged societies on the planet. Â
"damaging your children for life?" I have several good friends who were educated in the government schools and they don't appear to be very damaged. They appear to be very successful businessmen and women, aware of world events and less closed minded than many of the British and American expats that are taking advantage of the "Thai culture.
You must live in some crazy bubble of Thailand that only let you in. You have good friends educated in Thai schools that have good jobs and are aware of world events? The Thai's go out of their way to teach their children that NOTHING outside to Thailand has any value or matters. Thailand is the centre of the world and don't question us we are older than you. I do feel for you if you have children and educate them here.
Your post was as unhelpful as and certainly more libelous than the "non-specific" posts you reference. You may be correct in your conclusion, but the "facts" you lay out do not in themselves prove or even support your case.
Your post was just as unhelpful as you had your rose colored glasses pull so far down on your face you didn't even come up for air. I would LOVE to hear your experiences in the Kingdom and how come you have managed to avoid all the nonsense that goes on here on a daily basis.
Do tell