

Pregnancy in Rio de Janeiro

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could you please share advice and tips about pregnancy in Rio de Janeiro?

Who are the best gynecologists for pregnancy follow-ups?

Which hospitals or clinics would you recommend to give birth in Rio de Janeiro?

Thanks a lot in advance for your advice !



I too would like some information. I've just found out I am pregnant and I don't know where to start here. I've had a child in the UK before and it was easy with the system there, but here? I don't speak Portugese and I am not sure whom to see for  pre-natal care. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you 





Hello girls!
The best maternities are Perinatal de Laranjeiras or Maternidade Sao Jose!!
If you would like to have a natural birth with no drug intervention at home I can indicate some midwifes in Rio.
Regarding Obgym doctors I can ask my friends for some good recommendations!
I am trying to get pregnant again ( I am current living in USA) and I am moving back to Rio in june, so I am gonna need a doc too...



Thank you for your reply, I found a facebook group called Rio Playgroup on Facebook and all the information I needed was there from all the expat mum's. I found a great ob/gyn in Ipanema and you are right Perinatal Clinic is really good and also cheaper than most places that I got quotes for.


Great!! Could you give the name of you doctor?


Dr Menezes.  Rua Visconde de Piraja 303, Ipanema. He speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese.


Is Dr Marcelo Menezes.?

Thanks a lot!!


Yup that's the one, I was recommended him by quite a few mother's. He is very patient and is always available by phone if you have any questions or in need for someone to talk to. He also arranged an emergency scan for me when he was on holiday at Perinatal Clinic where I couldn't speak the language and he dealt with it all for me.


Thats nice!  Do you know if he does vaginal delivery? I am asking you this because its really hard to find a doctor that is willing to do vaginal delivery in Brazil. Most of them likes to do a c-section. I have my first daughter here in the US and I am kind of scary to have a C-section unnecessary.


It's true, yes they do like to push the c-section here, but Yes he does vaginal. I have a full listing of names and information I can pm you. Including prenatal yoga and a doula if you are interested. I've just been walking around getting quotes for blood tests and scans as am nearly the 12 week point. There is a major difference in labs from $840R to $1909R in quotes they gave me.  I have to pay upfront as I don't have insurance but I can message you all the info. One of the mother's I spoke to said that with her insurance she was able to get all her scans for free. The scan quotes i got was perinatal clinic at $150R ranging up to $400R in a clinic in Leblon.


That would be great Marisa, I appreciate!
The 12 weeks scan is that expensive? When I was pregnant of my first daughter (in 2010) I did this ultrasound in a good lab at Rio Sul shopping mall ( I forgot the name of the lab, but I think it is the only one there), and I paid just R$360 . I cant believe how much this ultrassound is costing now!!
My e-mail is magalirecar@gmail.com

Thanks!! :)


Have they accepted you yet on Rio playgroup? If not let me know and I'll speak to admin. There is an English speaking doula who also teaches yoga and prenatal yoga too. Her name is Kimberly Ann Johnson. You can find her on Facebook as well


Sorry, I'm not ignoring your question here.......

This is simply completely outside my sphere of experience and knowledge here in Brazil so I can't help you at all.

The only thing that I would recommend is that you find a very good private hospital, where you'll need to pay cash for being attended. Hopefully you might find a doctor that speaks a bit of English, which would be helpful.

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team


Hey all,

I know this is an old post now but I saw it and just thought I'd share some info for anyone else looking. I've heard very good reports from a Gynecologist / obstetrician from friends, based in Ipanema. She has an English site as well as Portuguese linked to it -       and speaks fluent English as well as Portuguese of course. Hope this helps someone at some stage :)


Hi DBond,

Thankyou so very much for posting this link. I'm sure it will be of great help to any of our members who are seeking prenatal care and OB/GYN services in Rio.

James       Expat-blog Experts Team


Hi all, I've heard that my previous post had helped quite a few people so just wanted to give an update, the website has now been updated and moved to :)

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