Getting married in Egypt
if no paper , she will locked at airport. she need to go Tahrir and fill a form. After that they will issue a clearance. then she can travel.
You are great... and all what you say is right!Â
Hello i am christian and inshalla i will be married to an eygptian man soon.. I just have some doubt in my mind.. Because of some article that i read and some of the comments of my friend about egyptian customes.. Its is true that the first wife of egyptian man should me eygptian also??and how can u prove that your marriage is legal and valid?
Hi and welcome. I have n ver heard of this custom A Egyptian man can marry who and whenever he wants. It's the Egyptian women who have to follow customs. Is you are Christian you must marry in the justice dept to n Cairo it you can marry in a chapel in your consulate. Both these ways are legal with no disputes
Hello.. Thank u for answering my question.. And its oky if we marry not in egypt??bcos we are both in doha.. And may we will be marry here not in egypt and if we decide to come in egypt is their possible conflict about our marriage and paper?or no question and dlubt at all?..
No there is no conflict at all just make sure you have your marriage certificate with you and yr passport
I am an American woman and planning to marry my Egyptian fiance in November. I have a few questions, the first is I was married years ago but has an annulment because I found out this man was married already. So if you get an annulment in America that means the marriage never existed. Do I still need this proof of annulment? Also I have left all marriage details for my Fiance to handle being that he is there and I am doing all I need to do to get there. Is it hard for him to do. I will be there only 3 weeks. He says dont worry about nothing but I do. Lol any help would be appreciated! Thank you.
At MelissaAnnZalat
You should have proof of your annulment, yes. If your fiance says he's taking care of all the details then yes, let him. He'll know much butter how to navigate the process then you will, anyhow. That's something you need Arabic and knowledge of Egypt to handle, so he's right, you just have to show up with your paperwork. I got married here last year. I basically just did what my husband told me as I was clueless anyhow, lol. It's was confusing and there were a lot of steps. It took like three weeks from the beginning step (permission from the embassy) to the end (getting our marriage certificate). I think we were a little disorganized, so if your fiance plans well maybe you can get it done in 2. Best wishes!
Hi dus anyone no how to get my Egyptian husband to the uk I work 16hrs with to children from previous partner just wounding what's the steps visa flights there and back to uk for 6 months then what ????? ThNks
Hi All,
Firstly I like to Thank all the people, who took so much time and replying on this very important topic in this Forum.
Secondly, I like to know why some Government bureaucrats make things so complicated for simple people who just want to get married and live happily ever after in Egypt. Yes, I understand things can be complicated at times but it seems that Government in certain countries make marriages so complicated in this well advanced technological world.
If two people love each other and they know and understand each other and want to get married - why they both have to travel to Cairo to get married. There are many cities in Egypt probably not having all the embassies, but just need a priest (A Muslim priest for a Muslim marriage and / or a Christian priest for a Christian wedding etc) who can perform marriage ceremonies in the cities scattered around Egypt.
Personally, I might be wrong but Government is discouraging people to get married - cos of a very long process involved, and encouraging couples cohabit, ie to live together without getting married.
Of course there might be issues later which can be sorted in courts afterwards. But many marriages are or can be genuine and man and a woman fall in love to marry - It is not a force marriage.
I think this process is so complicated, in Cairo, Egypt.
I want to get married but too scared that it is so time consuming and I do not know how long we need to spend in Cairo, before everything be fine and we will be married.
Please Government people -Â Make things simpler for people who want to get married genuinely and not have to travel to Cairo all the time for everything and stop ''sinning'' by cohabiting, which is so tempting, when you love some one.
Thank You - May Allah's peace be with all of you.'s a pain getting married but a few weeks of running around to government offices shouldn't scare you away from a lifelong commitment! It should be the other way around! LOL (sorry i find my own joke funny)
Still, we on this earth must make life easy and comfortable for people to live but not complicate matters more. This world is full of other complications to confront with. God made one earth for people to live in harmoniously but we people have divided it into small countries, nations to complicate matters further. Sorry slightly off the point but where marriage is concerned it matters, we all have to have certain things from our countries to be married to a person from another nation..
Any how thanks for your funny reply
I am asking for information about both conversion and marriage procedures. My boyfriend is a non-muslim American citizen. We want to get married, we already have the social ( asking my father and he understands the 'rules' so to speak) it's just we are trying to find out the procedure of his conversion; paperwork, the how to, and places he would need to go, also ( as everyone knows sometimes one needs to grease the wheels) and a recommendation of lawyer who would help him. Also I understand that it would be preformed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, what would we need? An appointment? Paperwork? Also what would be needed by the embassy?.
Also, I have a 14 year old daughter that I am responsible for completely, is there any special procedures for her, will she be affected legally by my marriage?
Thank you for all your help.
If he is converting to Islam he can do this at a masjid in the US and bring his certificate here to prove he is a Muslim.
hey guys,
anyone has updated info about medical certificate, any suggested hospital to do it ? and how long it takes ??
Go to your local public hospital ... and ask .. for me there was no exam .. just pay the money and get the paper ... best of luck
I have done it, a few blood tests and then you get the doctor advising you and the wife and giving you your blood results ....go to any public hospital we went to Ahmed Mahir hospital in Cairo. got married in 2015
everything is easy and can be done in the same day.
good luck
thank you Misterbig_Ireland and Albashmohdis for the quick response, you are great guys..Â
i will share my story once i finish everything, Wish me luck !
The formal way is full of harassment. Better pay to lawyer and he will done everything before wake up from sleep. I am from Bangladesh and I married Egyptian girl, now I have two daughter. On the time of getting marry I run too much to my Embassy and their requirement was horrible, it was so difficult that my own embassy not helping me, then I paid to one Lawyer and before wake up from sleep its done.
that's really the worst thing in egypt right now , governement are not helping the citizens , thats why most of people get lawyer to solve their own things , i think its the only way right now
Did you get the affidavit from the American Embassy at the same day?
karem_mustafa_kamel wrote:that's really the worst thing in egypt right now , governement are not helping the citizens , thats why most of people get lawyer to solve their own things , i think its the only way right now
Hi Karem,
lawyer is not good idea at all, he will just take your money, i just got married in ministry of justice and it is more easier than i expected and guess what people there are too friendly.!
just make your you have all the documents they need :
1- non impediment paper (from her embassy) it should contain her religion if she is christian/jewish.
2- 2 medical certificate .
3- 5 photos for each.
4- your ID copy and her passport copy. (her passport should have registration stamp)
and that's all
Not my experience ... hassle all the way ... and not friendly ... looked for money bribes all the time ... had to get lawyer in the end .. and because I was europen the price was $2000 ...
But this is the same experience in most of my time in Egypt ... example .. taxi .. my wife gets in 10 LE ... I get in 50 LE ... We get in together a fight ...
Buying in shops .. in hotels ... getting work done in your house ... medical treatment ... police
And getting married
All corrupt rip off ..
Hi there. Yep, welcome to Egypt.  I also got married here in Egypt at the Justice dept. ours took 2 days. I think the price was Rounf 400 Egyptian pounds
There was a lot of paper work and signing from the Embasst but it wasn't too bad. We had to have a medical certificate but again just paid 200 pounds under the table and no problem
Good luck
Hello brother, can I know the contact kf the lawyer you used to finish your marriage papers,
Thanks you
im an Egyptian and im gonna get married with a french citezen... btw, is there a french citezen got married with an Egyptian in this talks, that can help me with their experience. it seems french consulate are complicating things.
Hi, can anyone help please, I need some advice. . I would like to appoint an Egyptian lawyer to have power of attorney for a marriage, to my fiancé in Egypt. I am English and live in the U.K. I have no idea where to start. Any help would be much appreciated. My email address is xxx Thankyou, Sarah xx
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Ok...tell me what is needed to marry egypt citizen I am a American citizen is it hard? I only have 8 vacation days
Hi why do you need POA? I am English and married my Egyptian husband 10 years ago we didn't need to give POA to anyone. Go to Egypt and marry him there.
Because I have two young children and neither of us have passports or the funds right now. The person I was giving POA to is a close friend who I trust with my life xx
Good day..
I want to marry a egyptian men what are the papers we need and where we go to process those papers.
Hi everyone!!
Does anyone have a kind of pro-forma marriage contract that can be used as a form of per-nuptial agreement to make sure that when getting married in Egypt i will not loose my legal rights? I know the Egyptian law is different than EU law when it comes to women rights regarding marriage/divorce so i just want to make sure i protect myself but i want to get some examples before contacting a lawyer in Egypt
I would appreciate your advise
Did anybody reply to this? What did you do in the end. Obvs your Fiance is already married so can't marry again. I would suggest the only thing you can do is for him to apply for a 6 month visit visa to the UK as he won't be eligible for spouse/settlement visa.
In reponse to Lin2k7 04 September 2016 02:43:25
Lin2k7, did you find a solution? To get your husband permanently to the UK he will need a spouse/settlement visa. It doesn't matter how many hours per week you work but you must earn a minimum of £18,600 per year to act a sponsor for him. The spouse/settlement visa allows your husband to work once he arrives in the UK.
If you don't meet the financial requirement of £18,600 perhaps you could persue applying for a visit visa, but of course that also has its own financial rules such as proving that you and your husband have enough finances to cover the trip etc..
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