

Getting married in Laos


Hiya you talking about a lawyer. Shut I take a lawyer in Thailand, in Laos or in the country I live?

Thank you so far!


Get married in Thailand and register the marriage at the Lao Embassy in Thailand. Her family can come over from Laos to attend the wedding.

You can get a lawyer in Thailand to get the paperwork done.

If your soon to be wife is looking to go home and settle back in Laos there is a new visa available to you as the spouse of a Lao citizen. I have placed a thread on the forum explaining it all.


alright thanks you mate! I did some investigation myself in the mean while. So far I can say it's the best way to get married in Hong Kong. The flights are not so expensive and it would save me a lot of trouble if I can take it out of hands. In 3-4 days we can be married.  I don't any agency consultation in Thailand and I heard bad  stories about Lao. Of course I keep posting as soon I have something new to report  However it can take a while, planning is to get married in March 2019. For now I'm very grateful.


Good one !
Just remember to register the marriage at the Lao Embassy in HK.
What are the bad stories you hear about Laos?

Do keep us in the loop as any information may be of interest to others.


I heard in Laos they charge for everything even when the papers is done on time just to have more money. In Thailand the same thing. The best and easiest way is to get married in Hong Kong. All you need is proof of freedom like divorce papers or death clearance in case of widow, passport and travel tickets. Not even home registration, birth certificate etc.


There is a tendency to charge extra when it comes to expats.The govt here is trying to stamp it out as it reflects on them.  Most Asian countries are the same. That's why it is best to use a lawyer.  I find it pays to stand your ground too without raised voice and gesticulating.

Overseas marriages are recognized now. You should also register the marriage with your Embassy too.


I have send to 2 different company's for assisting in my wedding to arrange all paperwork etc. However it's not much to do you but I shut get an appointment to register the marriage and some days or a week later to pick up the Notice of Intended Marriage. I do not so many days to get off from work :-) So I get 2 price offers. The first was HKD8230 and the fees of the register office come to it. The second I received was HKD5000 including the fees of the register office.


Some interesting information I just recover. When a European person get married with a non-European person, that non-European spouse shut learn the language before he/she goes to the country to go where the European citizen lives. He or she shut have an immigration exam at the embassy of the home country. In the first 5 years the European citizen can not have a timeout in his/her job carrière.

However, if the EU-cititzen is living in another EU-country then his/her home country where he/she was born, she don't need a immigration test and doesn't need to learn any language to enter the country. The embassy shut give a permit to enter the country without charge within a week. It's even so, if the married couple arrived at the passport control of the country where the EU-citizen lives without arrange a permit visa beforehand, the border police can't send the person back, in fact they need to give the person strait away a permit to enter the country. Only what they need to do is to make sure you have proof you both family from each other. A marriage certificate is the best proof...

All information you can find on the official website of the European Union


Here the correct link strait to the right page:


Hi double Dutch, how is your progress?

I live in Thailand, as does my lao girlfriend. We want to marry in Thailand or Hong Kong, my god, its hard to get straight info! Would you be able to share with me the Hong Kong law firm that offered you the best deal?

I have been offered $3500 by first agent in Laos (vte) . And then $2175 by another agent in Laos (champassak), but it seems doing it elsewhere may be more straightforward.


Hi! Can expat and Lao citizen get married in Lao Embassy in Hong Kong? Thanks! :)


Best you marry in Laos. As far as I know the Embassy does not allow marriages in the Embassy.  You can marry elsewhere in Hong Kong. Can be costly.


You​ dont​ really​ need​ a​ lawyer or​ agent to​ arrange your​ marriage​ in​ HK.
Its​ pretty straight forward.​ Notice of​ intent to​ marry cost​ HK$305
Then​ registry fees HK$715

Its​ all​ well​ explained here

In​ addition to​ this​ we​ had​ the​ marriage​ certificate apostilled by​ the​ High​ Court in​ HK.​ Cost​ only a​ few​ $ and​ it​ makes​ it​ just​ about​ as​ official world wide as​ it​ can​ be.
The​ High​ Court​ isnt far​ from​ the​ registry​ office.
We​ then​ went​ to​ the​ Ministry of​ Foriegn Affairs in​ Vientiane​ and​ they​ certified it​ there​ also after​ we​ had​ it​ translated.


Good day everyone. I am hoping people can message me with their current experiences with marrying a Laos citizen. She works and lives in Thailand. She returns home monthly to see parents in Laos. They live just across the Laos/Thailand border. I travel between Canada and Thailand regularly. I am back in Canada since I returned with the virus problems in the world and difficulty with travel.
She wants to do a traditional wedding at home. But she is open to civil wedding in another country if it is quicker and less expense. I have read this post that Thailand or HK are better choices. Canada does not have an embassy - only a consulate in Vancouver.
Canada has a Consulate General in HK and an Embassy in Thailand.
Of course all of this will have to wait until after the world opens up again from Covid-19
There is a Office of the Embassy of Canada inside the Australian Embassy in Laos.

I am looking for names of lawyers used in Thailand, HK or Laos. Any advice from those  who have recently experienced marriage to a Laos citizen. I welcome any information by PM or in a post


Getting married in Laos is a long and kind of complicated affair. It takes about a year with a ton of red tape to go through. It will save you a load of headaches and frustration if you hire a lawyer or firm to do the running around for you.

My wife is Lao and we've been married over 12 years. Off the top of my head you'll need: a criminal background check by the RCMP, a health certificate, money, any paperwork from a previous marriage if you had one and and divorce papers. There are other things as well but those are done here, interviews with cops for example.

If your wife really is open to it, my advice is to get married somewhere else quick and easy. The Lao government now recognizes foreign marriages. They didn't when I got married. You'll have to have your marriage license certified here in Laos.  You need to be married to live together, and yes, the cops still do go knocking on doors checking for documents. Big shit and money if you don't have the legal things in order.

You can always have a wedding party here anytime afterwards if you want to. You can also apply for an SP-B3 Spouse Visa now. These are pretty new and cost the same ($400 +/-) as a B-2 working visa. They are both multiple entry. Unless, of course, you want to live here and do visa runs.


I have been married for a similar amount of time and now hold an SP-B3. If your wife does the work and you are over 65 it is about $200 and not that difficult.The second time we it, I did not have to have cross the border, which made it even cheaper.Compared to Thailand living in Laos is much easier.


Thanks for everyone replies. From the information I have been able to gather, getting married outside of Laos is the best option. Wife to be and her family want a traditional wedding ceremony so I will see what can be done. I need to get the civil marriage completed first. I am looking at Thailand or Hong Kong. I have contacted marriage consultants in both countries. It seems easy enough. Not too expensive. I could do it in Canada too.


Markdgal wrote:

Thanks for everyone replies. From the information I have been able to gather, getting married outside of Laos is the best option. Wife to be and her family want a traditional wedding ceremony so I will see what can be done. I need to get the civil marriage completed first. I am looking at Thailand or Hong Kong. I have contacted marriage consultants in both countries. It seems easy enough. Not too expensive. I could do it in Canada too.

How are you going with the marriage. Could you please let the forum know as any information may be of value for other members.  :)