Housing in Mali
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our new housing in Mali section is now available.
You can now post all your housing offers and requests in this new section.
Do not hesitate to share your thoughts and suggestions with us, your feedback is appreciated
Je serai prochainement a Bamako pour une mission (+/- 2 ans)
Will soon be in Bamako for at least 2 years with the family.
Je cherche en priorite des contacts pour une maison (location) et des contacts serieux pour finaliser le transfer du mobilier (Nairobi-Bamako).
Priorities are related to house (rent) and moving (Nairobi to Bamako).
Any feedback on the above welcome.
Toute info/contacts bienvenus.
Hi Olivier,
Can you please post in English on the Anglophone forum, this might help other other members to read and to participate on this thread.
Thank you,
I ve posted both in French and English, and the question is related to Mali. Thanks for your comment.
Hi Olivier.Mali,
Please note that we try to keep it in English on the Anglophone Forum and you can post in French on the Francophone Forum if you wish to ----> Forum Mali <----
Also understand that David was trying to help by guiding you
Thank you
Expat-blog Team
Hi Olivier ,
You and your family will be welcome,
I am malian, so if you need hand, no problem, i will be glad to help you...
I look for a room for 3 nights in Bamako for 1 person, fro 15 to 18 Dec 2013, would you please inform me is possible or not ?
Hi akhavein,
As stated by Julien in the first post, you should post your request in the Housing in Mali section.
Thank you,
½ûÂþÌìÌà team