Philippines Stopping Filipinas from Leaving As A Tourist?
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joshua.w wrote:Just left from Manila Sunday with my wife. I was too worried to let her try it alone again. We passed right thru. The girl at the immigration counter said " are you maried?" We said yes and she said ok enjoy your flight and stamped her thru. Get used to it though like these guys said if you don't go there to get her there will be a good chance she will get turned away. I think especially to countries that filipinas "don't" need a visa. Anyway better luck next time. And yes I agree exit immigration in Philippines is full if sh*t.
You are right, it is full of sh*t. But they have to be tough (to the point of being absurd) as there is quite a number of undocumented OFW's abroad, some of them illegally staying elsewhere.
gandajoy wrote:yah ıts true...most of the fılıpına are very dıffıcult to get out of our own country ıts because of not havıng enough money..the ımmıgratıon ıs just aware of ıllegal happens...thats why they are very strıct..but ıf u brıng ur gf wıth u from here ı thınk ıts easy way for you..ıts also happen to me before..
It is not because you don't have the money that you can't get out. It is because of the lack of know-how and valid documents to substantiate your purpose of travel.
knud wrote:Hi
My Filipina wife has been in Thailand several times and she has never been asked for proof of sufficient money. She has been travelling alone since I am working in Thailand.
I do not believe the Philippine immigration will stop any Filipina tourists traveling alone.
If she is travelling with an expat boyfriend she might be questioned. Human trafficing is the concern. When Filipinas get married to expats a seminar is required. Without seminar they cannot leave together with their husband????
Why it should be safer to travel alone I do not understand.
When I was engaged to my present wife we left together. She was pulled away from and questioned what she was doing together with me. But they let her go.
Knud Nielsen
They let her go because you were there.
Lhynx wrote:Hi! Just wanna share my story..I was about to leave philippines last 2nd of November as a tourist in Kosovo, Pristina. I brought with me the invitation letter of my boyfriend, round ticket, hotel accomodation, travel insurance and letter from the police of Kosovo. Unfortunayely, the immigration at the airport offloaded my flight As i remember immigration staff told me to let my boyfriend to pick me up here. And the big question is thay ig eber my boyfriend pick me up here and go with him it easy for us? Or might they ask documents to my boyfriend. What should we do?? Pls help..Thank you..
That's absurd. Despite all the documentations you presented, they offloaded you? You can sue them!
got problem about immigration
sometimes they are really unfair to say NO' you cant get on the plane! saying your offload..
guys what about if you really love your boyfriend and he wants you to come with him to his country then an immigration don't want to let you go.
I'm 2 times offload on my flight . they never let me to leave. they said you can go to other side of the world if your boyfriend come and show up that you have a relationship.
so my boyfriend come here in Phil assuming that when he come back to his country he can bring me. but the sad and hurts parts for us.. they never let me to fly even my boyfriend was there.. do they have heart?. why they don't want us to be happy together.. filipina want also to go to other country for a better life. but im very frustrated that they are unfair
The sad but true part is that the Philippines is a poor country with many young girls going into prostitution in other countries. The ICA is trying to protect you, although I am sure you do not see it that way.
Have your BF come to the Philippines to spend time with you, and if you like each other, then get married and move on. If he says no, then maybe your better off.
Simply put, the Philippine government does NOT want its citizens leaving the country, UNLESS they are OFW's that have contracts to work abroad.
In my case, she ran into a bit of trouble, although:
1. She is 27 years old. - Younger Filipinos usually have a more difficult time leaving the country, especially if alone.
2. She had our son with her, who is currently one year, four months old. - Human trafficking usually involves single Filipinos / Filipinas, trying to leave the country by themselves.
3. She had had previously visited Thailand, where her sister lives with her husband. - So, this was not her first time leaving the Philippines. This was a valid reason to let her go, in itself.
So, I finally got my g/f over from Cebu near the end of April, this year. (We are in Cambodia.) She had an invitation letter from me, a photo copy of the information page in my passport, and plenty of pocket money. She also had a friend of mine (another American) to accompany her on the trip here.
Lastly, she had our son with her, who has MY LAST NAME in his passport. Yet, the officials still did not want her to get on the plane. They asked her a couple questions regarding her trip abroad.
1. Who is helping you to go to Cambodia?
She made a mistake by telling them, "Him (the guy with her) and my boyfriend in Cambodia." She should simply have said, "My boyfriend in Cambodia."
2. Who is the man with you now?
My boy friend's friend. (After she realized the Immigration Agent at the counter was a Cebuana, they began talking in Cebuano, rather than trying to communicate in Tagalog. For those of you who may not know, this is much easier for a Cebuano Filipino, than to speak in Tagalog.)
She was able to explain (more clearly) that I had sent the money by my friend to buy their tickets for them. Afterward, the agent at the counter let her go through to board the plane.
What I am getting at here is, such a simple thing as the language spoken to the Immigration Agent at the counter, could cause confusion and prevent your Filipino companion from being able to board the plane to go abroad. All it takes is for them not to be satisfied with the passenger's answer, to deny them their trip abroad.
dhnindc wrote:The sad but true part is that the Philippines is a poor country with many young girls going into prostitution in other countries. The ICA is trying to protect you, although I am sure you do not see it that way.
If you believe that, I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.
It is ALL about controlling its citizens. Take a look at my previous post. Then, tell me they are trying to protect my g/f. From what? She was leaving the country to prostitute herself in a foreign country, while bringing my child with her? Right.
dhnindc wrote:Have your BF come to the Philippines to spend time with you, and if you like each other, then get married and move on. If he says no, then maybe your better off.
All this jazz about having to be married is not right. Any citizen of the Philippines, who is over 18 years of age, should be able - should have the RIGHT to leave the country, if they have the funds / means to do so. No one should be holding them back from wherever they wish to go.
gonzrule wrote:That's absurd. Despite all the documentations you presented, they offloaded you? You can sue them!
Good luck with that - suing the Philippine government? C'mon. You know that won't happen.
livingincebu wrote:gonzrule wrote:That's absurd. Despite all the documentations you presented, they offloaded you? You can sue them!
Good luck with that - suing the Philippine government? C'mon. You know that won't happen.
Because no one has ever done that. F*ck their bloated egos.
but.. my reason why i want to go to other side of the world is because i love my foreigner bf.. we do everything, we present some stuff to show up that we have a relation. they get my ticket and mark as ok on board. then when we go to print a copy of ticket they get my ticket again and told us im offload.. why? my bf don't understand why they do that. and my bf ask to an immigration officer.. what we can do to let her to come with my country, if not now. how often can i come back here to visit here and someday she can come my country i want to marry my gf someday. but the immigration never answer that question. she just said go to your flight and leave your gf here. she cant go out into the country period. how does i feel? i just cry at the corner, i see he is really disappointing with tears on his face
I agree with you concerning the freedoms the Filipinos should have from their point of view, but such freedom would make the Pacific Ocean no wider than the Rio Grand. How many of the younger Filipinas would not return after being issued a vacation visa? There is already a growing medical problem, with many doctors passing the exams to come to the USA as nurses. It is a shame, but it seems the government takes the church's view that there are two kinds of single women, virgins and whores. The church pressured the govt to stop giving free birth control to the poor, like the population has been shrinking? Not enough poor in the Philippines? Unfortunately the way things are today you can either try to succeed illegally or play the spousal or fiancee visa game. Not a fair choice, but it appears there will not be any alternatives any time soon. Best of luck to you.
birth control doesnt allow the masses to grow so enough people to make needed changes in the future....
I have filipina gf and managed to get her out the country several times ...
But the only thing that mainly guarantee the exit is to be with her , and follow the process :
My gf , well dressed , open the laptop and show the pix , smile , stay relax , show the private messages , 30 mns interview.
After they interview me , i show the poor western union list i sent to her , i tell each time the story of our meeting , i joke with the immigration officer.
They are very skilled to sdee if the story is bullshit or not.
When they interview the gf , stay relax on the chair , as nothing important happens because they look at your behaviour.
Always fly from Manilla Aquino.
If you wish to fly Europe or Usa , first fly to Bangkok , so you only lose this ticket if problems , allow you time ,, this is the price to pay .Â
Yes , i am sorry i understand the policy of immigration , maybe they kill love stories , sure , but they also save some lives and destiny by doing this way.
Filipina girls ,, if the bf really loves you , he will pick you and get the pain to fly to Manila only for you .
gurl, so sad right.. me and my boyfriend really disappoint. same like you, i offloaded first they want also to pick me up here in the Phil, so my boyfriend come here in Phil, sad but they never let me leave even my boyfriend was there and we show some stuff to get know how we close and long relationship we have... so they offload me also only my boyfriend get back to his country, I cry at the airport.. because i really want to be with him.. i love him so much but they never let me to be happy with my boyfriend. haist.. unfair!
hmm. my boyfriend have an filipina ex, he use already the fiance visa so he believe that he cant get another fiancee visa for me because in law in america you can use only one..
three years ago someone I know got his second fiance visa, having married and divorced the first Filipina in the USA. Is your bf divorced? Did he ever marry the first one?
nope he got only fiancee visa for her ex, but no married for his entire life, what do you think he can get that another visa again? with the same country?
That I do not know, since they had to get married within 90 days of her receiving the visa and they did not. He should ask a lawyer, perhaps he could still petition for a spousal visa if he marries you in the Philippines. Worth finding out.
just a another consideration - i know many people who have been denied boarding - even locals - and their issue was not having an ECC - which is certificate for exit clearance.. often this 1 missing document was seen as a denial to leave the country on account of insufficient funds. however have your GF speak not only to the thai embassy in manila, but also to the immigration office on securing the ECC - it costs about 700pesos.
another thing is to pay close attention to is the philippines passenger bill of rights, which there is no harm in keeping a copy incase someone is denied the right to board an airline for any unjust reason.
read section 10.
Section 10 deals with, "the right to board aircraft for the purpose of flight."
All it says there is that individuals shall be able to board, unless a few loosely worded reasons exist, one of those is "immigration issues."
This only gives them the right to harass and now its in writing.
I think you should quit fooling around with this. Go to the Philippines and accompany her to Thailand. A picture of the two of you together means nothing.
I took my Philippine girlfriend to Thailand last year on a short business trip. We were detain by Customs prior to leaving and she was questioned intensively. many of the questions were very personal in nature. I was also questioned and required to sign a financial responsibility for stating that i would be responsible for all of her expenses (food, hotel).
This is a society which is corrupt and often treats women poorly.
Anyone believing that this conduct has anything to do with human trafficking is just kidding themselves.
freedom of travel is restricted, not only when leaving the country, but also when traveling around the country.
Simply put, this is about a government improperly controlling its people. It has nothing do do with the control of human trafficking or drugs. That is a myth.
The government receives millions of dollars for improvements in the above mentioned crimes in the form of grants, most of which goes into the pockets of corrupt politicians and government officials.
The government is corrupt and illegally fly's in the face of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT.
What they need is a revolution.
yeah you really right about that.. woman had no freedom to travel outside the conutry even you present some stuff, got confirm ticket, pocket money, and accompany with someone is useless! haist.. sometimes i hate politician for controlling much.. and much power to say NO!.. never concern how much the cost of ticket you need to cancel and cant fly anywhere its BUmmer !
like what happen to me in Tunisia..i have invitation letter ,and all stuff i also have a money on bank,properties,work,icome certificate and i also have a permanent visa in Japan(knowing that Japan have better economy than this Tunisia country).Really hell happen to me ...and Really soo much money i spend..coz i already bought a ticket and get a hotel reservation because they want it confirmed plane and hotel bookings... !!!!!! Really suck TUNISIA country !!!!!! TUNISIA PEOPLE SHIT
I'm always amused when I hear that Immigration is afraid their single, young filipinas will leave to become prostitutes. I can't speak for Singapore,Indonesi, Malaysia and some other countries, but I CAN speak for Thailand. If any woman even thinks about coming here to work as a prostitute, two things will happen: First, they'll find the supply of prostitues greatly exceeds the demand. Second, as soon as a local discovers competition, she'll find herself on the next plane out of the country and no chance to ever come back.
The reason 98% of filipinas come to Thailand(they can't get work, Thai officials won't let them work) is to hook up with expats in long-term relationships. Period. This could help the local Philippine economy - one less mouth to feed and support. Ya think?
CEC is just one of many hoops they use to deny leaving the country. It's all a crock of crap(from personal and reported experience of friends). The bottom line is: either they decide to let you go or not to let you go. Any or no excuse is used, no matter how many documents you have. As I've said many times, no plan is 100% sure, but the highest % of success is when you accompany your GF at the airport and fly out with her. Period.
" She has an expired passport showing her leaving the Philippines for Singapore in 2008. "
So you mean she tried to leave the country with an expired passport?
Now that's a funny**
This should be a "lampoon" article, or better yet maybe it is a "lampoon" article...
Lampoon-> Publicly criticize (someone or something) by using ridicule or sarcasm.
Talk to the Immigration Officials... Try getting your info, from the Horse's mouth, as opposed to seeking answers from the Horse's (rear end)!
Leaving the country with an expired passport Ha,ha,ha,haaaaaaa, hahahahahahahahahahahhaha, Dude; you're killing me man**. Best laugh I've had in weeks....
[" Thailand offers ANYONE a 30-day automatic tourist visa "]
Hahahahahaha---that's a ( BIG NEGATORY! ) there good buddy, that's not even remotely true!!
Dude, you're on a roll... Aha aha aha hahahahahahahaah, man you're killing me (again!). look up Ethnocentrism... Read it and dwell on it for a day or two, my dear fellow American, I'm an American too, I'm an "old Kansas boy" myself, came in on a balloon to Oz City, next thing you know I was the wizard!!
I better put this down for you, **Ethnocentrism**->Â is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture[].
Sorry, please forgive me... I couldn't help myself, I've recently changed medications, still adjusting to the effects, not my fault... It's my Doctor's fault...
Spend a little time talking (with) Immigration, on both ends... It's worth stating that not (all) immigration officers are the same, but they are closely aligned in there thinking... Not along the "close enough" principal; or type thinking, of say for example, horseshoes, hand-grenades, and nuclear war, close. No! It's not that kind of close.
That being said, I do know of (one Filipina) a real example, who took a two week trip to Phuket, her Farang picked her up in Ozamis, took her to Manila, and he flew with her out of the Philippines. However like super bowls, I would not look for repeats... Sincerely, hope the wind stays at your back.
All the best,
Always keep the faith,
" This could help the local Philippine economy - one less mouth to feed and support. Ya think? "
Negatory, there big bud.
The logic is skewed. The "Philippines" thinks differently...
The Farang sends money to the Filipina, [ in ] the Philippines... and therefore increases the monitory holdings of the Philippines. The Philippines attitude... Chicken feed, adds up, (and) they are exactly right!! That's why they have an army of OSW's, off shore workers, sending billions back to the Philippines, $100,$200,$300,$400... dollars at a time. It "mounts up", look at the building of malls on every street corner in the Phil's. The price of land has skyrocketed... No question "chicken feed" adds up.
Always keep the faith,
dhnindc wrote:The sad but true part is that the Philippines is a poor country with many young girls going into prostitution in other countries. The ICA is trying to protect you, although I am sure you do not see it that way.
Have your BF come to the Philippines to spend time with you, and if you like each other, then get married and move on. If he says no, then maybe your better off.
Ah, words of wisdom...
Remember the song goes like this, "Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing Baby" if he wants her, he'll go and get her. (And) if he just can't come to get her...with so many many reasons... I'm sure maybe [ one ] of the reasons might even be true.
yanyan08 wrote:hmm. my boyfriend have an filipina ex, he use already the fiance visa so he believe that he cant get another fiancee visa for me because in law in america you can use only one..
No, this is not true, he can get another one, there is the 1800, number, and other numbers for immigration in the usa, the people there are friendly and informative.. I suggest (call) them with a calling card. And ask, your questions. If she did not marry someone, within the 90 days she's overstayed and will have trouble. It would not be the first time a chap brings a girl to usa, and she does not marry him, but marries or runs away with another, or simply starts living illegally in the us.
The immigration officer will know all in the usa... cheap spend $10.00 dollars US and find out for yourself... Go to the source love it's almost always the best policy.
Section 6. The liberty of abode and of changing the same within the limits prescribed by law shall not be impaired except upon lawful order of the court. Neither shall the right to travel be impaired except in the interest of national security, public safety, or public health, as may be provided by law...
Philippine Constitution
This Philippine Immigration Officers must post something or inform the public on what are the standards to be met to successfully pass through their office upon boarding the plane. So that these problems of the Filipino citizens moving out of the country will be stopped. I am not really in favor of this inconsistent way of the Philippine Immig. officers upon their dealing with their co-Filipinos to travel abroad. I think this kind of thing where citizens leaving the country will pass through a needle hole.. this only happens in the Philippines.
Please Phil. Immig. Officers be fair and just with your dealings with the Filipinos, your people, because it is not easy to waste money on airline tickets. Most Filipinos who are leaving the country are looking for a better life. Treat your compatriots with care and love, .. and treat them with dignity.. I have known a lot of people mistreated in this dark part of NAIA and Clark airport... the immigration office/passage before loading on their flight....
And calling all co Filipinos, let us do something to this!!! Let us move!! Let us do our share!! If I have time and opportunity , I will visit their office in NAIA and ask them what are really the standards to successfully travel without being scrutinized closely by them...
Some other countries are even having big and massive rallies on their streets just for a very simple reason, why not us Filipinos do something on this very serious matter?
First of all, when I say most filipinas who link up with Western men help the economy, it's because we support her in Thailand and her family in the Philippines. That's what I mean when I say one less muth(for the government) to feed. It often means the children come to Thailand, where their sponsor pays for their education, a much better one than they can afford back home.
Second, if anyone knows of any country except the Philippines stops its citizens holding a valid passport from leaving the country(if they're not doing anything illegal) I haven't found one yet. That's outrageous!!!
Make your gf wear expensive-looking clothes. Not exactly expensive but something that will make her look intimidating enough to deflect the uninvited queries of the officials.
Most of the time, people judge you according to what you wear and how you wear it. People trust you if they can sense the confidence in you.
tagalugin wrote:Make your gf wear expensive-looking clothes. Not exactly expensive but something that will make her look intimidating enough to deflect the uninvited queries of the officials.
Most of the time, people judge you according to what you wear and how you wear it. People trust you if they can sense the confidence in you.
First, real intelligent response from some of your other replies on other postings...
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