Television for Angola
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Good morning
We are living in France but we have some family in Angola (Sumbe). We have the plan to live in Angola within a few years.
my question is very basic; I would like to buy a TVÂ and bring it in Angola.
what are the requirements? Is it possible to use a LCD TV to watch TPA1 And 2.
I need some advice
thank you
Well now is cable tv DSTV,not sure with french Secam what problem can be now adays.
you'll have fun here,but TV cable is quite expensive,and this in general.
I guess you will need to find out some technical details on the signal broadcast of TPA to see if it is covered by the spectrum of the TV you are buying. Also check if TPA is PAL or NTSC format and if your TV can handle the formats (most modern ones do these days). According to wiki Angola uses PAL or SECAM.
I assume the TPA is broadcasting in analogue. Might pay to check that.
TVs are becoming much cheaper here. I have seen many a reasonably priced flat screen TVs at Kero on sale.
Personally I don't watch any local channels - we are supplied DSTV sat services so that is easy for us. So I'm not much actual help there.
Thank you for your quicks answers.
I think it's better to buy it in Luanda .
Best regards
Enjoy Angola
A couple of years ago buying a TV here would have been very expensive. Today not so.
I'd check closer to when you are planning to move here to see what the local TV prices are at that time.
Mind you buying locally is still not a guarantee that the TVs will work with the local broadcasts.
I lived in Angola for 4 years recently and I took my TV from South Africa to Angola, both countries use PAL, France is on Secam which technically is the same as PAL, you should have no problem watching TV Cabo on your TV from France, the TV we used was a 2000 model 4:3 type TV, not even Wide Screen 16:9 and we saw all their channels for 4 years without any poblem. My friend had a Wide Screen 16:9 at the same time and he saw the Angolan TV channels fine. Angola is really not so far behind wiht TV and Internet as people might think............ So in a few years time Angola would be over on a new Satelite system which they planned to install while I was still there which would give you TV, Internet etc. So the answer is yes your TV from France and most parts of the world would work fine in Angola. The never TVs doesnt worry anymore about things like NTSC, PAL or SECAM, they are compatible with all the TV standards really, I transfer VHS tapes to DVD and these old Analogue terms are not used so much more in the digital era. So bring you TV along and you will be fine.
I will not buy a TV in Luanda because the TV maker like example Sony might not cover Angola in their warentee, So bring your local TV with you.