Hi Everybody,
I'll be moving to Almaty around 20 August for a few years.
Can anyone tell me if there is an expat amateur football league in Almaty?
I am currently in Shanghai and the founder/coach of an all Chinese team here (Except me, I am British). I've been involved in football for a long time and want to start a new team in Almaty if there is sufficient interest from those of you who missed out on playing in Euro 2012 
If any of you or one of your partners need to lose a few kilos and they or you enjoy football then feel free to let me know. If there is no league but enough interest then join me in creating an Almaty International Amateur Football League, maybe you're the next Messi and you don't even realise it
If you want to play, have some fun, meet some friends, keep out of trouble at the weekend then.... feel free to make contact.
Regards as always,