


Nouvelle discussion


bonjour , j aimerais savoir si il ya des francais qui ont ouvert une affaire en inde et comment ca se passe les formalites ?


c'est assez compliqué mais faisable. Il faut s'associer avec un local ayant la nationalité indienne. Il faut beaucoup de temps car la bas l'horloge marche seulement quand tu la surveille .


bonjour merci oui je sais c est pas impossible mais un peu compliqué

philippe ducot

Bonjour Rakee
Je m'appelle Philippe et j'ai ouvert un spa a cote de Pondy il ya 5 ans...
Desole de contredire Henry mais il n'est plus necessaire d'avoir un associe indien.
Par contre il faut ouvrir une societe avec un BON avocat et etre 2 dans l'affaire .
Deux directeurs sont obligatoire . Sache que un directeur meme minoritaire aurra autan de droit que toi.Choisi bien avec qui tu vas t'associer donc.
Tout ca prend du temps on est en Inde .
Si tu faits venir de l'argent en Inde sur un compte societe n'oublie surtout pas de demander des FIRC  a ta banque qui te permetrons de rammener sans probleme tes sous en France ... IMPORTANT
Je suis en train de vendre mon spa pour des raisons familliales, j'ai eu de tres bons moments en Inde , mais il faut etre tres patient..... les indiens n'ont pas le meme mode de pensee et c'est pas toujours facile de se faire comprendre.
Si tu as besoin de plus de renseignements n'hesite pas ..


bonjour merci philippe pour votre reponse
je suis d origine indienne mais j ai grandis à paris je sais c est pas evident en inde de monter quelque chose .


According to immigration rules, a work permit for India is synonymous with an employment/business visa.
Expats wishing to work legally in India first need to obtain this valid Indian visa before beginning their job: no separate work permit is needed.

Foreigners can apply for a tourist visa if they are coming to visit friends or for sightseeing.
Tourist visas are generally granted for six months at a timE
Anyone who has an Indian tourist visa must have a two-month gap between visits to India.
So a tourist visa holder can return to India only after two months of leaving the country.

Foreigners are not allowed to work in India while holding a tourist visa. very important .

Work visas for India

Business Visa
Employment Visa

Business visas in India
Business Visas are available for people who wish to explore business opportunities or conduct business in India.
This type of visa differs from an Employment Visa,
in that the applicant will not be working for,
and earning an income from, an organisation in India.
Instead they will be working on behalf of a company outside of India.
Business Visas are generally issued with six month validity or more, and provide for multiple entries.
However, holders of a Business Visa are not allowed to remain in India for longer than six months at a time.

Employment visas in India
An Employment Visa, on the other hand, is issued to a foreigner who will be working in India for an organization registered in India. Foreigners wishing to do volunteer work in India also require this category of visa.
An Employment Visa is valid for one year, irrespective of the duration of the contract.

Applying for a visa for India

All foreigners coming to India for employment should apply for a valid Indian visa before they arrive.
You can obtain a visa application form from the Indian Embassy in your country

Documents required for visa applications

â–ºEmployment Visa

    Proof of employment with a company/organisation in India, such as a contract that states the terms and conditions of appointment.
    In 2010, the Indian Government included a new requirement - visa applicants must be earning 13,75,000 Rs a year or more.
Exceptions are made for members of foreign high commissions and embassies.

â–ºBusiness Visa

    A letter from the organization they intend to do business with, stating the nature of business, duration of stay, places to be visited and the employer's intention to meet expenses.

â–ºTourist Visa

    Passport with a minimum six-month validity
    Recent passport-size photographs
    Details of your itinerary

You can expect to get your Indian visa in between five and seven working days.

In addition to the above, each category of visa requires additional documents.
â–ºBusiness Visa

    Letter from the person or firm in India with whom you intend to do business with, indicating type of business, volume of business in the current year, etc.
    Contract or assignment letter from the company
    Bank statements showing assured financial standing
    Copy of Bill of Lading or invoices

Visa is valid for 6 months AND NOT 1 MONTH.GET UR FACTS RIGHT



@maradona812010 - Merci, ces informations sont très utiles. Pourriez-vous les traduire en français s'il vous plait afin que d'autres membres puissent comprendre? :)


Sarah Luna


Pour créer son entreprise en Inde, on peut prendre un company secretary (expert comptable)cela vous coutera moins cher que de prendre un avocat.
Il vous faudra ouvrir un compte société en Inde pour vos transferts d'argent et surtout vous enregistrez au RBI (Reserve Bank of India).

Amicalement.........Sarah Luna

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