

With love From Ukraine

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With love
From Ukraine

Euro 2012 has just finished and I would like to share my opinions of it all with you.
When we got the right to hold this football championship everybody was happy, well, almost everybody, but personally me, I was. When it all started, we were taken into several scandals (or just hullabaloo), which were raised in European mass media: it was politician one – that we had no democracy here, then Do not go there – they have racism, then in Holland it was advertisement which was promoting not coming here because of high level of prostitution and others I do not remember. Of course I am not a journalist and it is not my business to change or people’s mind or impose an opinion, but I feel myself a little bit pity because of this treatment. And this bitter feeling appeared not after all those scandals, but after the case which happened to me.
I visited England–Ukraine match in Donetsk, the atmosphere was great, people were hospitable, fans – interesting, women – beautiful. Yes, exactly this – latter, made me proud, main thing was not in beauty but in creativity, I met so many girls with creative, beautiful and interesting costumes that I was sure we would be the best in it, because I had never seen something even like that before.
Next day came. I watched this match on TV, I watched almost every match, I liked to watch people too, that was really very interesting because you could see character, mentality, common features of nation… So what did I see while watching this match (especially in comparison with others)? Nothing! Nothing special: they (cameramen) showed several people with ordinary hardworking tired faces, that’s it. Can you imagine how disappointed I was? Of course we all can have such faces, and I am not against it (I really appreciate and respect diligence), we really work hard and bla-bla-bla – but (!) – we also have creative, beautiful and pretty faces! Why not to show them? And only then I became to analyze everything: all those scandals, promotions, advertisements were working on bad stereotype of Ukraine. Yes, we have some problems with our politicians, but in neighbor Russia and Belarus they have no such freedom as we do here (to be true, freedom of speech even in the whole world not very free), yes, we have the prostitution, but who has not? It is normal level of it, no more no less, yes, sometimes we have bursts of racism (personally I know it happened in Kyiv), but it is not widely spread, and again – in comparison with others…
…so – yes, we have problems and I do not say that we have such a level of life (I mean economic, not mental) as Europe has, we have corruptions, horrible roads and other problems that make me feel sometimes ashamed – but – that doesn’t mean at all that we should be accused in the seven deadly sins, and moreover it totally doesn’t mean that we can’t be even better in something. We have deep history, really beautiful people and fascinating nature, we have bad sides as every country has, and we have good sides, not only those God’s fear that everybody was speaking before.

Hope, you will understand my mood,
Best regards,
Sincerely yours,

P.S. Final matchÂ… have you watched it? Did you see anybody famous? But they were present at the stadium! Each important match I watch (either Champions league or other stuff) is full of celebrities, but not only in Ukraine, I forgot ))

See also

Living in Ukraine: the expat guideUkrainian BridesTravel to Ukraine 2025Transferring money to and from Ukraine. during warMarriage to a Ukrainian man

Hi Maria!

Thanks for this contribution :top:
Don't hesitate to share more ;)



Oh) Thanx )


Maria_Kyiv_Guide wrote:

With love
From Ukraine

Euro 2012 has just finished and I would like to share my opinions of it all with you.
When we got the right to hold this football championship everybody was happy, well, almost everybody, but personally me, I was. When it all started, we were taken into several scandals (or just hullabaloo), which were raised in European mass media: it was politician one – that we had no democracy here, then Do not go there – they have racism, then in Holland it was advertisement which was promoting not coming here because of high level of prostitution and others I do not remember. Of course I am not a journalist and it is not my business to change or people’s mind or impose an opinion, but I feel myself a little bit pity because of this treatment. And this bitter feeling appeared not after all those scandals, but after the case which happened to me.
I visited England–Ukraine match in Donetsk, the atmosphere was great, people were hospitable, fans – interesting, women – beautiful. Yes, exactly this – latter, made me proud, main thing was not in beauty but in creativity, I met so many girls with creative, beautiful and interesting costumes that I was sure we would be the best in it, because I had never seen something even like that before.
Next day came. I watched this match on TV, I watched almost every match, I liked to watch people too, that was really very interesting because you could see character, mentality, common features of nation… So what did I see while watching this match (especially in comparison with others)? Nothing! Nothing special: they (cameramen) showed several people with ordinary hardworking tired faces, that’s it. Can you imagine how disappointed I was? Of course we all can have such faces, and I am not against it (I really appreciate and respect diligence), we really work hard and bla-bla-bla – but (!) – we also have creative, beautiful and pretty faces! Why not to show them? And only then I became to analyze everything: all those scandals, promotions, advertisements were working on bad stereotype of Ukraine. Yes, we have some problems with our politicians, but in neighbor Russia and Belarus they have no such freedom as we do here (to be true, freedom of speech even in the whole world not very free), yes, we have the prostitution, but who has not? It is normal level of it, no more no less, yes, sometimes we have bursts of racism (personally I know it happened in Kyiv), but it is not widely spread, and again – in comparison with others…
…so – yes, we have problems and I do not say that we have such a level of life (I mean economic, not mental) as Europe has, we have corruptions, horrible roads and other problems that make me feel sometimes ashamed – but – that doesn’t mean at all that we should be accused in the seven deadly sins, and moreover it totally doesn’t mean that we can’t be even better in something. We have deep history, really beautiful people and fascinating nature, we have bad sides as every country has, and we have good sides, not only those God’s fear that everybody was speaking before.

Hope, you will understand my mood,
Best regards,
Sincerely yours,

P.S. Final matchÂ… have you watched it? Did you see anybody famous? But they were present at the stadium! Each important match I watch (either Champions league or other stuff) is full of celebrities, but not only in Ukraine, I forgot ))

I don't want to upset anyone here, but have you considered looking at why Ukraine gets such bad press from a slightly different angle - may be it is not them, but us? I mean has it ever accured to you that for a European championship... there are very few countries in Europe that have the sort of problems you  yourself talked about (other than Russia and Belorus - which is again something you, yourself had mentioned)

It is not a political forum and I am just expressing my own opinion, but it seems to me our country is little more than just 'having problems like any other country...with both good and bad present". At least on the European level, the bar is set so high (in terms of socio-economic development, political freedom and so on) that Ukraine and Ukrainians have alot more to do before the country will be spoken of in a more flattering way.


Oleggy, thanx for comment,

You didn't make me upset and I respect your opinion as well as of every person (as well as mine too))), but to tell the truth I didn't catch the main idea of what you said: was it not having respect from locals to Ukraine?

also you mentioned politics, one thing I want you to know that I am extremly far away from it.

PS "it seems to me our country is little more than just 'having problems like any other country" - for example?


Maria_Kyiv_Guide wrote:

Oleggy, thanx for comment,

You didn't make me upset and I respect your opinion as well as of every person (as well as mine too))), but to tell the truth I didn't catch the main idea of what you said: was it not having respect from locals to Ukraine?

also you mentioned politics, one thing I want you to know that I am extremly far away from it.

PS "it seems to me our country is little more than just 'having problems like any other country" - for example?

In simpler words I meant that Ukraine is criticized so much precisely because there is so much to criticize, especially taking into account the view that the people criticizing us (other europeans) are really enjoying much higher standards of living and social / political freedoms

In my opinion we  locals should take note of what they are saying and try to improve our country if we want to belong to a club of European nations on equal terms and not be criticized so much


Thanx for explaining=),

I partialy agree with you...partially - because we can be criticized too much and sometimes not fair (I gave the examples in my report)do not you agree?


Maria_Kyiv_Guide wrote:

Thanx for explaining=),

I partialy agree with you...partially - because we can be criticized too much and sometimes not fair (I gave the examples in my report)do not you agree?

Yes, I agree with you that sometimes we get criticized unfairly... However, you write that tele operators were showing only grim faces during Euro2012 matches, that western media was demonizing Ukrainians as racists for no reason and so on.

I personally watched all Euro games from all Ukrainian cities including those from Donetsk. I also watched daily EuroNews broadcasts relating to events in Ukraine during the championship...and I watched the BBC documentary on racism in Ukraine as well... I simply refuse to agree that western media was putting Ukraine down in all of those cases for no reson. 

The BBC documentary did show some disturbing scenes in Ukrainian stadiums. Being part Jewish and in general from a country that prides itself on having defeated Fascism I was seriously disappointed ...So there I think BBC was right in telling about our country like that.

Now, the TV coverage of Ukrainian matches...here all games were beautifully shown, with a strong football-euphoria feeling and beautiful girls and guys smiling and holding national team banners. I really did not notice any anti-Ukrainian bias in that match coverage. The only problem with Donetsk games that I did observe (TV commentators talked about it too) was that almost all games took place with many empty seats there.

The same lack of excitement in the city was also noted on the streets. I think that in some ways it it understandable that Donetsk is one of the most "Soviet" cities in the country and therefore has problems with "welcoming" big tournaments and events. 

In other ways I found Ukrainian tournament-related coverage extremely positive. Again, EuroNews showed all the great street parties in Kiev, showed many happy faces both Ukrainian, Swedish and others. Foreign TV showed the fireworks after the Final, covered the parties of Italian, and Spanish fans after the games, covered the tearful reactions of our countrymen after the team lost to England... and yes they showed how beautiful and welcoming and friendly our people can be.

Personally I was moved to tears with the way our team played and the way our fans supported it and the friendship and comradery and atmosphere at all Ukrainian fan-zones. I was SOO PROUD of MY NATION - for the first time in so many years

However, I still think we have much to learn from Europe. Yes some of their criticism was misplaced...yes violent racism is not that much of a problem in Ukraine - xenophobia is. The standard of living is low as well, political space is worsening...Why do you think I am writing all this...because I want to help my countrymen, good people like you and many others, who have some legitimate questions. Yet, I just think that we Ukrainians need to address the issues raised and not get upset so much when others criticize us.


Wow) Thanx for commmenting and thoughts and concerning... I understood your ideas, though as you can guess I am still not fully agree with you... nevretheless mostly - I can support almost everything you said. One thing I want to say that not only we can be tought but also I suppose we can teach. And in any case - we can be crtitisized and let it be but personally me - I want it to be with respect or not treating whole nation as sheeple.

Coming back to the match, I've said what I saw, so... I was disappointed when I watched it on TV, and final match,,, can you give me reason of not showing celebrities? Is it commonly happened? No. so i was puzzled.

thnx in advance,


Maria_Kyiv_Guide wrote:

Wow) Thanx for commmenting and thoughts and concerning... I understood your ideas, though as you can guess I am still not fully agree with you... nevretheless mostly - I can support almost everything you said. One thing I want to say that not only we can be tought but also I suppose we can teach. And in any case - we can be crtitisized and let it be but personally me - I want it to be with respect or not treating whole nation as sheeple.

Coming back to the match, I've said what I saw, so... I was disappointed when I watched it on TV, and final match,,, can you give me reason of not showing celebrities? Is it commonly happened? No. so i was puzzled.

thnx in advance,

I don't know why they did not show any selebrities...I just know Shakira was there, but to be fair they also did not show many selebrities at all the other matches as well.

However, if it can be of consolation to you I can say once more that the beauty and joy and friendly faces they did show, while covering Ukrainian games and after match parties did go a long way in promoting our country... How do you think I know about all those street parties and fan-zones..

...on a personal level I think our people did everything to break those old stereotypes...went beyond just being friendly and nice.  The girls - you can rest assured in that TV coverage they came out beautiful and creative and may be even most beautiful on the whole planet.

Now, we just have to take care of other things - I for example will vote in this coming parliamentary elections, than in presidential elections next year. I think changing the government that is dragging us down is the best way to continue developing the positive image for our country after the Euro2012 championship


Oleggy, I understood...Thank you a lot for commenting my story, I really enjoyed our conversation and have come to some conclusions, so for me it was fruitful and useful, and politics... - thanx for voting, that is important =)

Best regards,

don moe

Maria_Kyiv_Guide wrote:

With love
From Ukraine

Euro 2012 has just finished and I would like to share my opinions of it all with you.
When we got the right to hold this football championship everybody was happy, well, almost everybody, but personally me, I was. When it all started, we were taken into several scandals (or just hullabaloo), which were raised in European mass media: it was politician one – that we had no democracy here, then Do not go there – they have racism, then in Holland it was advertisement which was promoting not coming here because of high level of prostitution and others I do not remember. Of course I am not a journalist and it is not my business to change or people’s mind or impose an opinion, but I feel myself a little bit pity because of this treatment. And this bitter feeling appeared not after all those scandals, but after the case which happened to me.
I visited England–Ukraine match in Donetsk, the atmosphere was great, people were hospitable, fans – interesting, women – beautiful. Yes, exactly this – latter, made me proud, main thing was not in beauty but in creativity, I met so many girls with creative, beautiful and interesting costumes that I was sure we would be the best in it, because I had never seen something even like that before.
Next day came. I watched this match on TV, I watched almost every match, I liked to watch people too, that was really very interesting because you could see character, mentality, common features of nation… So what did I see while watching this match (especially in comparison with others)? Nothing! Nothing special: they (cameramen) showed several people with ordinary hardworking tired faces, that’s it. Can you imagine how disappointed I was? Of course we all can have such faces, and I am not against it (I really appreciate and respect diligence), we really work hard and bla-bla-bla – but (!) – we also have creative, beautiful and pretty faces! Why not to show them? And only then I became to analyze everything: all those scandals, promotions, advertisements were working on bad stereotype of Ukraine. Yes, we have some problems with our politicians, but in neighbor Russia and Belarus they have no such freedom as we do here (to be true, freedom of speech even in the whole world not very free), yes, we have the prostitution, but who has not? It is normal level of it, no more no less, yes, sometimes we have bursts of racism (personally I know it happened in Kyiv), but it is not widely spread, and again – in comparison with others…
…so – yes, we have problems and I do not say that we have such a level of life (I mean economic, not mental) as Europe has, we have corruptions, horrible roads and other problems that make me feel sometimes ashamed – but – that doesn’t mean at all that we should be accused in the seven deadly sins, and moreover it totally doesn’t mean that we can’t be even better in something. We have deep history, really beautiful people and fascinating nature, we have bad sides as every country has, and we have good sides, not only those God’s fear that everybody was speaking before.

Hope, you will understand my mood,
Best regards,
Sincerely yours,

P.S. Final matchÂ… have you watched it? Did you see anybody famous? But they were present at the stadium! Each important match I watch (either Champions league or other stuff) is full of celebrities, but not only in Ukraine, I forgot ))

well said :one

totally agree with you


Thank you, Don Moe :)

don moe

Maria_Kyiv_Guide wrote:

Thank you, Don Moe :)

welcome Maria :)

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