Meeting Algerian women?
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I'm an engineer.I know an Algerian women, she is really nice,educated,beautiful,religious and seemed good to me from behind the computer.I talk with her daily/occasionally on the phone. We have plans for marriage in the future, but before this. I have plans for coming to Algier in Feburary 2010. I want to meet her in real. I will be coming for 2-3 days. She wants me to come to Algier to meet her.I wanted to see, if this relationship can be possible, will we be able to live together and understand each other in the future also.I have to spends more than a thousand dollar for all the expense. Is this a good idea? Should I go for her? I mean, when I talk about this, people say you are crazy and find some women in your country,city.You must concentrate on your life, a women would automatically come into your life, that Algerian women wants me to take her into some developed country not in Algeria or to Pakistan. As I'm a Pakistani. Well, I'm living a good life in Pakistan, my carrier is going great and so is my job. I'm happy for all that I have and in the near future, I would have my own company too, so I will be looking after my own work.I also have plans for post graduation and research related regarding my field. Well, I have no problem in living into any part of the world. What do you people suggest?
Hello umery.. I saw your post and thought we had some things in common. I am engaged to an algerian woman. And, I don't know anybody else in my situation. I am an american man living in arizona. I traveled to Algeria to visit my fiance in june/july of this year. I had a great time visiting her and her family. And, I recommend that you learn a lot about their culture. The family can get very complicated with cultural and religious rules. My fiances mother still does not accept me but her father does. This may be the hardest part for you. Good luck and feel free to ask me any questions.
Hi Jim,
Yes, we have things in common. I'm 24 year old guy, how old are you and how old is she? and when are you getting married? Did religon created any problem between you and her? Are Algerian people broad minded and easy going? Will you take her to Arizona or live with her in Algeria? I'm sure,you must have enjoyed a great time in Algeria with her.How much time, did you spent with her.I had asked the question about her parents acceptance about me,she said no problem, I have the guts for that.My Algerian women wants me to take her to US,Japan,Austria,Australia or to any other developed country, beside I myself want to marry into a mixed culture.I think life would become fantastic. She can speak Arab,French,English.I think, I will also learn alot from her.
Hi umeri,
Nice to get your message. There is an age difference between my fiance and myself. I am 44 and she is 24. This has been a big problem with her mother. But, we are suppose to get married next June and I plan on bringing her back to the USA. Algeria has some really nice people but some of the people are really nosey and very pushy. So, I don't think algerian people are broad minded and easy going. She lives in a smaller city called Annaba. In Algiers, the culture should be more open and modern. I was in Annaba for 2 weeks and had a great time with her but a lot of people would stare and the men would get very jealous. The men are very aggresive about meeting women in Algeria. So, the women need to be strong and ignore a lot. This was not all of the people but we had a problem every day with this. My fiance can speak English, French, Hindi, some German and arabic. The important thing with your fiance is if u trust her. The women in Algeria will stay with the man they really love all of their life and I believe it.
Hi Jim, you seems like a nice man. Yes, you are very true about the problem with parents. Recently, her mother saw her talking on phone with me. She asked who is Umar? she told everything to her mother,her mother completely refused as I was not Arab! I hope to convience her parents and her family, when I go there.I hope to convience them up as being nice,good and best for her.Tell me, Is your religion and your fiance religion same? I think Algerian people make issue of this, if it's not compatible.Does your fiance really loves you? Will she be willing to do anything for you? Were you single through out all your life? I'm asking because she asked me, she asked about previous relation with any women.She asked about girl friend and personal things.She even had asked if I see porn or ever had seen porn before.I think she want to see 100% purity,dedication between the partners.Why men are aggressive in meeting women in Algeria? Do you mean the women's father,brother,cousin get angry or you mean anybody I found on the street,shops,resturants,etc.Tell me about the driving in Algeria. Did you use the International Driving license or you made a local license there in Annaba? Most importantly, how you get the VISA, did she sent you the invitation letter for VISA Approval? or you apply for Visiting VISA alone and did not mention about her at the Algerian Embassy.Should I tell the purpose of my visit at the Algerian embassy. I'm afraid any Algerian man at the embassy would reject me first before her parents does, as you earlier said they are not broad minded and get angry when we meet their women! I hope VISA doesn't bother me.
hello Umery,
You will be in for a surprise especially with the mother. Fortunately, we are both Muslim.. and I am lebanese.. But for us the mother was bad about the age difference.. Finally, just last week the father said that he supports my fiance and wants her to marry me. This changed the mother a lot. My fiance is modern and accepts that I am divorced without children. And, she accepts that I had girlfriends in my past and really doesn't want to know about it. She is not a typical Algerian woman. when I say the men are aggresive, I mean the men on the street say a lot of things to the women. Sometimes, they try to touch and walk with them... very pushy.
I would never drive there.. It is very different from the usa.. and dangerous.. they drive very fast.. and I didn't want to get into any accidents. I am going to do the American fiance visa. Fortunately, her father supports this. I am hoping for her interview in march or april and bringing her here in June. How long do u know ur algerian woman? It sounds like she still is trying to know u better and hasn't accepted u yet for marriage. Purity is important. The algerians have many rules to accept sombody to marry and bring into their family. But, once she trusts u.. she will be urs forever.
I think Algeria is a muslim country. Majority are muslims there. In Algeria women also wear short clothes, I don't understand as why? I haven't seen such tradition in middle east Muslim countries, women there wear complete clothes.I don't know about Dubai. It's very modern.I know about Kuwait,Qatar,Saudia and few others. You won't find nude women wearing undergarments or taking Sun Bath in middle east SEA Beaches openly.In Algeria, women can be found in such clothing. I don't understand if this has any relation with the religion or it's just a tradition of the countries. Over here in Pakistan. Women don't wear short clothes and are not found nude in SEA Beaches or at Public spots.You are true, our relation is not old.We are trying to get to know each more as days passes by.She has accepted for marriage, but she is worried about the problems that needs to be resolved, as where we would live together and how.She asks me, whether I would get a job their or not.Currently I'm doing a great job.The company is one of the TOP 5 in Karachi Stock Exchange.I also have a good designation in the company. I hope the project and it's experience and the job that is going on at the company would definitely give me an edge in finding job in another country.In future, I would be having my own work.I have no plans to continues doing job forever.She don't want to live in Paksitan or Algeria. She wants us to move to a modern country.I don't want myself to be a selfish person. I have my parents to care about also. So I have to come and go to Pakistan for quite some time.Neither me or she want to marry this year. Atleast we want to get engaged soon. After 1-2 years we will marry.
Hey guys am Nesrine an Algerian woman!
people in Algeria aren't so bad the weird guys are those who had a bad childhood, poor...don't forget that we've passed through a really difficult decade of terrorism it was awful but we were strong and fought and all this and you'll see that it's the hardest way of know Algerian people are nice as soon as you'll get to know them and get used to them I swear that they'll treat you as a real brother and sometimes as a king. when we get used to a person we trust her. many things are forbidden for these guys it's totally normal that they react like this... for Infos not all Algerians are like this... for the parents, if the father is for then great if he's against try you and your girl to convince... A lot to say....
She's going to give me an invitation letter for the VISA anyhow, two months before my final arrival. She doesn't know what to say and how to say to her parents about me.I think I will approach her father directly and say everything.Though her father dislikes the concept of Internet.I asked her that I will sleep in her home and not in a hotel,she refused.I hope her family agrees to let me stay in their home with her for maximum time.I don't know if the flat is small or there's no room for me?.Her 1 sister,1 brother,father,mother lives in the home, her parents are both retired teachers.She lives with them in a flat.Can a algerian women/girl introduce her fiance/boyfriend easily to her parents, like English,Americans can.I mean how much obligations applies to Algerian women from the society.How much power they have in society, how much freedom does Algerian women have in Algier? I want to estimate, as for how much time, I can be with her.Can she be allowed to stay with me for few days far from her home, for example. if I planned to go on a tour of Algeria or something like this with her.Will her family allows this.Is this thing possible in Algerian families?
well it depends of the parents Algerian women are free in Algeria but the family is the only problem!
staying at her place it's impossible even going with you somewhere just forget about this. because you're a stranger and because of her virginity!!! you have to be her husband so you'll go where ever you want to go. I told you not all Algerian families are like this. so...
She is killing me now. She sometimes says No,sometimes YES. Now, she says. You are a good man, you will find your dream women.There are so many problem, now I think we quit the relationship now, it would be better than quiting the relationship in the Algeria, She says, I don't want to play with you, you are a faithful man,etc.She is confused now, because of problems.This thing had badly effected me and my life.It's unbearable pain. I need help from Bouchoune and Jim1122's finance in Algeria. Allah help me
Hi Umery,
I'm nassi from Algeria,I found this website by coincidence, I am Algerian woman, 28years, my familly is a religious and difficult family. I met my love at UK, and we agreed that he comes to my parents and get married, I don't want to make things look bad for you but I really went through a big pressure, and lots of problems from my parents, I luckily seeked my friends and parents friends help, to convince them to accept my fiance ( then later they agreed) he came to Algeria last Juin and everyone was happy to meet him Now we are married, just waiitng for some papers and get settled but may take sometime :-(
I can't really advise you of looking for an other one and not to waste your time with your girlfriend, but give her little more chance, may be she's suffering from the same problems I had ( her parents didn't accept the idea of marriage from a non Arab) something like that. Show her that you'll be beside her all the time and that you love her, also that you're ready to meet her parents.
My mother was the hard part in my story!but alhamdoulilah, she loves him now
I wish you best luck at all..If you need help let me know
Salam Nassi,
Thanks for giving me courage. These days, she don't talk, nor reply to email. I said, I will give you two years to think about this.She don't pick up phone,nor she reply,nor she reply to email.Her parents,her brother was always on her mind,her family acceptance,etc. Her family seems complicated to me. I had email her that, when I made my mind to do something. I always do it. I never step back. Actually I find her through Marraige Ad.She was very happy with me, but she always used to say about the family problems,etc and me being non-arab.She said, she don't know what is going to be the reaction of her family.I will come to Algier, but don't know if she wanted to meet me or not.I will come to Algeria and see her place,her city,her people,her culture.Algerian women looks great to me. There's so much attraction in them. They are really fine,graceful,innocent and hardworking.Well, I pray in every Namaz from Allah to do something for me. You know seriously, I don't want to find anyone else. I had made my mind, it too difficult for me to change. For one and a half week, I was badly disturb, I wasn't able to do anything usefull at atll.
well well well,things are getting serious here!!!im kader from oran,algeria and let me tell you something,there is no better way than marrying someone from you own country and from the same religion at least if you dont want to face problems in the future especially when kisd are involved.take it from my experience it's the best way with all my respect to other ethnicities and religions,,,,,salam
Listen Umery2k75 and remember my words. If you go ahead and marry this Algerian woman against all odds, it'll be only your first step into hell. Regardless how you make this union happen, she will forever miss her family and want to be with them or be constantly visiting them. And if the family is to say the least frosty about it, then you are storing trouble for the future.
As far as I know, Algerian women never marry outside their religion, and rarely do so outside their culture and people.The exceptions are insignificant in terms of numbers.I'm sorry to be blunt, but I am an Algerian and I know what I am talking about. Next, the reasons.
Algerian men are extremely protective of their women, mothers, wives and sisters.Even if the women are not part of the family, the men still feel they are entitled to have a say in the matter. The regrettable 'hostility' that was experienced by someone else relating his experience of walking in the streets with an Algerian woman (whether a spouse or not) is very real on a daily basis. An outsider you are and always will be.
In addition, whether you both love each other to death or not is almost completely irrelevant. As for whether Algerian women make good life partners or not, the answer is absolutely YES. But be warned, most of them are also very strong willed. An Algerian woman will only be 'domesticated' if she wants to be. It's never going to be an easy ride my friend. You will needless to say also have to deal with the language barrier, cultural differences etc. with her and her family, not to mention yours.
I hope that whatever decision you make, it will bring you happiness.
I am here .if any body wants to travel to algeria .I am ready to help every one needs help as l can do welcome .
[Moderated: Expat-blog is not a dating website.]
I seriously believe Visa will be hardly possible for a pakistani to get. I have heard this from my friend.
Just get information about getting Algeria Visa first.
Tell me how can you assist me getting Visa to visit Algeria, gentleman?
I, obviously, will shoulder all the cost in this regard.
Send me your Skype ID for further discusssion please.
Hi all
To be honnest Algerian people like to meet foreign, to talk and share experience with them.
But when the question of marriage is involved ther are no many families who can accept it easilly, because of many things you know Algerian people were colonised by french that's why old man an woman dont' feel confortible when theur kids want to marry somebody from abroad( even muslim or not).
But during last years many Algerian women marry man from Europ, middle est, America, so many things come to change.
To marry somebody from aborad in my opinion is a fight, but it's real chance to give kids a very reach culture, they can know both of languages, both of history...
So i think you have to be strong, and give her chance to face her family and explain how much she loves and she want's you as hasbund.
Good luck
hi everyone. i will keep my story short, could do with some advice. met an algerian guy online. been a yr now. we want to meet. but how do i know hes not engaged?
if more details needed im happy to provide. just feel so down and confused. even if i meet him i will never know. any algerian men/women who could advice me..
Nassi wrote:Hi Umery,
I'm nassi from Algeria,I found this website by coincidence, I am Algerian woman, 28years, my familly is a religious and difficult family. I met my love at UK, and we agreed that he comes to my parents and get married, I don't want to make things look bad for you but I really went through a big pressure, and lots of problems from my parents, I luckily seeked my friends and parents friends help, to convince them to accept my fiance ( then later they agreed) he came to Algeria last Juin and everyone was happy to meet himNow we are married, just waiitng for some papers and get settled but may take sometime :-(
I can't really advise you of looking for an other one and not to waste your time with your girlfriend, but give her little more chance, may be she's suffering from the same problems I had ( her parents didn't accept the idea of marriage from a non Arab) something like that. Show her that you'll be beside her all the time and that you love her, also that you're ready to meet her parents.
My mother was the hard part in my story!but alhamdoulilah, she loves him now
I wish you best luck at all..If you need help let me know
I am glad you found a way through,
I am struggling with a Kabyle woman I have known for 5 years. We are trying to find a way forward.
Can you tell us and the rest of the world, was it worth it?
Are you happy? Any Regrets?
Thanks and may God bless you and your husband and I hope you have a wonderful life together.
? why am i finding this 12 years later
Good evening Iliad. I am a woman from Italy and I met a man from Algeria on Facebook. I just want to ask you a few questions if you'd like to answer me honestly. His family is very religious. Do you think a Muslim family would accept their 33-year-old son marrying a 53-year-old divorced woman and children and cristiana? This man said to pay him a visit to Algeria. You think a Muslim family would accept that I live in their house before marrying their son
hey there, there's a higher chance of his family accepting you because Algerian families tend to be less protective over their sons, I've heard of a couple of cases where a guy brought his significant other to Algeria and lived together for a while till they do the paperwork for marriage, however, Algerian society is conservative and living together with his family before marriage is a bit awkward I don't know how to explain it to be honest.
my point is as a female you have a higher chance of getting accepted into the family than a man.
still they are protective if when it comes to their daughters and potential husbands may still need to convert to the islam; I have gone trough it 11 years ago in Algeria - still married ;-)
hi. I'm a little upset and concerned. I don't know what to think. I've read a lot about men who are crooks. He asked me for money and I sent him. Not just once. Swear on his family allah and with the Koran in his hand that he loves me and does not tell lies and that he did not deceive me of money. Now he says he didn't ask that I helped him and that he's not a thief. He wants to meet me in Tunisia as it's easier. I still don't know his family or friends after a year and eight months of getting to know each other. hi. I'm a little upset and concerned. I don't know what to think. I've read a lot about men who are crooks. He asked me for money and I sent him. Not just once. Swear on his family allah and with the Koran in his hand that he loves me and does not tell lies and that he did not deceive me of money. Now he says he didn't ask that I helped him and that he's not a thief. He wants to meet me in Tunisia as it's easier. I still don't know his family or friends after a year and eight months of getting to know each other. easthi. I'm a little upset and concerned. I don't know what to think. I've read a lot about men who are crooks. He asked me for money and I sent him. Not just once. Swear on his family allah and with the Koran in his hand that he loves me and does not tell lies and that he did not deceive me of money. Now he says he didn't ask that I helped him and that he's not a thief. He wants to meet me in Tunisia as it's easier. I still don't know his family or friends after a year and eight months of getting to know each other. is hi. I'm a little upset and concerned. I don't know what to think. I've read a lot about men who are crooks. He asked me for money and I sent him. Not just once. Swear on his family allah and with the Koran in his hand that he loves me and does not tell lies and that he did not deceive me of money. Now he says he didn't ask that I helped him and that he's not a thief. He wants to meet me in Tunisia as it's easier. I still don't know his family or friends after a year and eight months of getting to know each other. Is thathi. I'm a little upset and concerned. I don't know what to think. I've read a lot about men who are crooks. He asked me for money and I sent him. Not just once. Swear on his family allah and with the Koran in his hand that he loves me and does not tell lies and that he did not deceive me of money. Now he says he didn't ask that I helped him and that he's not a thief. He wants to meet me in Tunisia as it's easier. I still don't know his family or friends after a year and eight months of getting to know each other.
No one marries an Algerian. Whoever wants to marry, let him marry from his country. And I tell you who married a foreigner.****
And who marries a foreigner only for money and residence papers in Europe or America
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½ûÂþÌìÌà team
@jim1122 hi, be careful my friend may i ask you how old is this woman you want to marry ? Because most of them after you marry them and they get the green card they tell you BYE BYE CHARLIE.
I know so many people in that situation in London UK.
Good luck mate.
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